Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

À. D. Fedorovsky, K. Yu. Suhanov and V. G. Yakimchuk, 
Centre of Aerospace Research of the Earth, Kiev, Ukraine 
The overgrowned part of shallow sites reservoir concerns to 
number important informative of zones water ecotones. To 
number the last transitive zones of water weights - sites of 
mixture and border of contacts of waters of a various origin and 
quality concern. Such zones, for example, can be: a coastal zone 
on a border of section Geper-reservoir, mouth of the rivers (river 
- reservoir, river - sea ), sites of mixture of water weights of the 
various rivers. Ecotones zones, on the one hand, carry to number 
of the most dangerous sites from the point of view of a 
opportunity of deterioration ecological and  sanitary- 
epidemiologically situation in a region of their presence. On the 
other hand, these zones are the most informative sites, the 
control at a condition of which permits not only to evaluate a 
ecological situation, but also to predict its development. The 
most complex ecotones arise on a border of section of two- 
environments at formation powerful overgrowth water plants. A 
water vegetable landscape complex ( WVLC ) is understood the 
by particular site of water object, on which mix of several 
associations, absolutely independent from each other and 
possessing by a various vegetable structure and structure grows. 
It is known, that the type WVLC with a sufficient degree 
reliability determines gidrochemical and qualitative structure of 
water environment, as well as many characteristics grounds 
( Bukata at all, 1981, Papastergiadou, Babalonas, 1993 ). 
The gravity of role WVLC in formation and diagnostics of 
quality of a water requires realization of the systematic control at 
their development, By features horizontal and vertical ( in thicker 
waters ) distribution on aquatory, qualitative and quantitative 
changes of their structure ( kind structure, efficiency ) under 
influence natural and antrapogenic of the factors. 
In this connection the significant interest presents use space 
images of water objects, which permit operatively to receive the 
information on changes kind and space distribution water 
vegetation on the large areas aquatory. Space images, first,, 
provide a opportunity of study of features of places inhabit of 
vegetable communities: character coastal line, type shallow, 
availability reservoirs and etc. Secondly, permit to allocate on 
image and to calculate the area of vegetable sites with vegetable 
associations.Besides space images, received in various spectral 
ranges, execute a role of the real cartographical basis, which 
provides exctrapolation of the items of information, received as a 
result of ground and sputnik supervision. 
Because the process of classification of sites vegetation is rather 
labour-consuming, technique and program automatic revealing of 
allocated sites reservoir with vegetable associations to particular 
WVLC was developed. A tool of algorithm are mathematical 
methods of careless logic. The latter is connected that in natural 
conditions exists significant quantity of combinations kind 
Structure vegetation, which under influence of the external 
factors continuously change configuration, a structure and cause 
smooth and continuous transition of one type WVLC in other, 
appropriate to new conditions. 
The specified circumstances and require application of such 
express train - method, which at classification of researched sites 
would permit to take into account not only smooth and 
continuous transition of one type WVLC in other, but also to 
conduct bioindication of changes of environment. 
At the conventional approach to classification of vegetable sites, 
binary decision, for example, m=1 - in case of a fitting of a site 
to particular WVLC or m=0 - fittingess is accepted. The theory 
of careless sets replaces a strict fitting of a researched site to any 
WVLC with continuous function of a fitting to each WVLC. Just 
application of representations of careless logic permits to analyze 
and to use in subsequent procedures of processing of the 
information real parity(ratio) of a degree of a fitting of that or 
other site to various WVLC. In this case "rigid" fitting of any 
researched site to determined type WVLC is replaced "careless" 
by the relation of a conditional fitting. This condition is 
characterized by function of a fitting ( mi ), which shows in 
which degree a this or that site belongs i-th WVLC. Thus, each 
site of a researched region can belong at once several WVLC, 
that gives a number of significances mi, located on a section 
from 0 up to 1. The decision on a fitting to particular WVLC is 
accepted on maximum significance of function of a fitting. In 
algorithm developed we of the program VRLK incorporate the 
apriory information about accepted in  gidrobiology of 
classification water vegetable landscape complexes on a structure 
included in WVLC of associations water plants, as well as 
information on conformity of a number ingridients of the 
gidrochemical characteristics of water environment to types 
water vegetable landscape complexes. 
For realization of a method mathematical models of various 
types WVLC are used. The principle of construction the last is 
based on The principle of construction the last is based on use of 
experience expert on study of distribution of associations on 
areas in various WVLC for particular water ecosystems. In a 
structure WVLC a Brown-Blanquet scale for the description of 
making associations is accepted. Thus first dominant 
corresponds 4-th numbers on a scale the Brown-Blanquet. As 
mathematical models WVLC equations, made for various 
quantity of dominant associations were used. In case of two- 
dominant complexes the condition of a fitting of a site to one of 
WVLC can be presented in a kind of careless expression: " IF the 
area of association Sil about 4 numbers AND Si2 about 3 
numbers OR Sil about 4 numbers AND Si2 about 2 numbers 
OR Sil about 3 numbers And Si2 about 3 numbers OR Sil 
about 3 numbers And Si2 about 2 numbers, a factor of a fitting 
of a site to i-th two-dominant WVLC is equal m2 i. On first a 
stage of development of a technique interactive data input is 
used. Space images are decoded expert with application of the 
auxiliary programs (allocation of sites, measurement of the areas, 
occupied by associations and other ). 
On the basis of the analysis space images researched aquatory 
with the account gidrologically conditions is divided on some 
706 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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