Figure 4-1A shows the 3-D graphic display of any imaging spectrometer data. The axis X in the
figure represents any profile in the image, Y is represented as the spectral wavelength and Z
is the reflectance value represented as the DN. Figure 4-1B is the plane projection of the 3- D
Fig. 4-1 3-D display of MAIS
A—3-D display and its projection
B—plane presentation
4). Mineral Spectral Absorption Index (MAIS) Technique
The Mineral Spectral Absorption Index (MAIS)is a measure of the absorption faeture for certain
minerals. For each spectral absorption faeture derived from imaging spectrometer data the some
wavelengths in the absorption peak mi, m 2 , m 3 and the absorption shoulder in both sides Lu L 2 ,
L 8 and Eu R 2 , R a can be used as the factors for MSAI determination (Wang Jinnian et al, 1993).
aiLn + a 2 L 2 + aaLs
MSAI=A- arctg ( ) +B
Ciffii+C 2 m 2 tC 3 m 3
Where: A, В and a, b, c are the coefficients.
The MSAI always determined for the fixed wavelength. For instance, the MSAI near the 2. 192 Mm
is represented the absorption by clay minerals such as sericite, kaolinite and pyrophyl 1 ite etc.
the MSAI naer the wavelength of 2.330 is represented the absorption by carbonate minerals such
as calcite, donomite etc.
5. Analysis and Application of Imaging Spectrometer Data
a. Mapping of gold mineralization
By use of the high spectral resolution remote sensing information extraction and mapping
techniuques, the alteration zones associated with gold mineralization in the West Zhunger
Basin Xinjiang China have been analysed and mapped.
The procedure of the alteraiton information extraction and mapping is shown in Fig. 4-2.
b. Mineral identification
Many minerals have their spectral absorption features, in the SWIR spectral region, which are
mainly caused by OH, HOH and C0 3 containing in the rocks.
Based on the s [ectral features of minerals, by using the imaging spectrometer, the xetraction,
identification and mapping of the individial minerals have been made both in China and in
By using of the Mineral Spectral Absorption Index method, the limestone in the strata of
Cambrian-Ordovician and Permian period contained calcite and donomite has respectively been
distinguished clearly, eventhoungh the difference of spectral absorption bands between above
mentioned two minerals is very small.
By analysing the intensity of the absorption, the distribution of clay and carbonate minerals
in Kepin area, Xinjiang, China has been mapped (Fig. 4-3). The distribution of two minerals,
the clay mineral (A) and the carbonate mineral (Blare shown in the figure.