imple two types
apparent beam
ired the light in
mtration of the
) %. The results
wo assumptions
the ratio bjb f
ach water type,
0.6 to 25 m' 1 ,
ves for humus,
ort wavelengths
son for the low
e increases cor-
total absorption
in co 4 and R(O-)
lectra per water
lade. The most
amples. This is
in these waters,
¡suits of Petzold
( 6 )
) 800
However, additional measurements of volume scattering functions of particulate material from a variety of inland water
types are required to test the validity of Eq. ( 6 ). The B' for each of the four water types is given in Table 2. Fig. 2a
shows the calculated backscattering albedo co 4 .
3.2. Determination of R( 0-)
The underwater irradiance reflectance is defined as the ratio of the subsurface upwelling irradiance £„ to the subsurface
downwelling irradiance E wd :
R( 0-) = (7)
E \vd
For remotely sensed data the reflectance was obtained from radiance measurements above the surface which were
converted to irradiance and corrected for the air-water interface (a value of 9.08: see Dekker, 1993). was calculated
from the upwelling radiance LJfi) in nadir direction above the air-water interface corrected for the specular reflection
(= 0 . 021 ) of the downwelling skylight L 0 ( 0 ) in zenith direction
E wu = 9.08 {L au (*) - 0.021L 0 (0)} ( 8 a)
where L o (0) was measured in situ using a Spectron SE590 field spectrophotometer and a halon Lambertian reflectance
panel. In case of in situ measurements a more reliable determination of E m is available by measuring the subsurface
upwelling radiance LJ0) and by converting it to by multiplying with the angular distribution factor Q: Q L w {0).
Often the value of Q is assumed to have the value 5, however, there is some discrepancy in results presented in
literature (Dekker, 1993). Next, the downwelling E wd was calculated from L 0 , which was separated into a direct sunlight
component £^(0,,) and a diffuse component £ dif corrected for surface reflection (1 - 0.066 = 0.934). Furthermore, the
downward reflection (0.48) of the underwater upwelling light against the air-water interface was taken into account
E wd = (1 -'-(e 0 ) > xL sun <V + 0.934xL di/ +0.48E wu (8b)
where rfQg) is the Fresnel coefficient. Fig 2.b shows the measured R(O-). Comparison with Fig. 2.a shows that R(O-)
and to,, have a similar spectral signature.
A regression analysis of the relationship given in Eq. 4 was performed for the linear case n=0,1. Assuming that r 0 and
r \ are independent of wavelength they can be estimated for each sample separately. The results are given in Table 2
along with an optical characterization by co 0 , b 5 and cu 4 integrated over 400 - 700 nm, and the illumination conditions
at the time of the R(O-) measurements. The values of r, ranged from 0.12 to 0.56 with an average of 0.29, with a relati
ve error of 1 % to 5 %. The variation in r, between the water bodies was large. This suggests that the conclusions of
Whiüock et al. (1981) and Kirk (1991), that the coefficient(s) change with changing water type are confirmed. A change
of the coefficients with solar zenith angle and sky conditions cannot be deduced from the results. This may be caused
by a masking effect of the change of the coefficients with water type. Whitlock et al. (1981) did not present the values
for the coefficients of the polynomial. The only relationship that can be deduced from the values of r, and optical
characterization is a general increase in error with increasing b } and co 0 .
In 15 cases the estimated r 0 was smaller than its standard error, S y , which suggests that Eq. 4 can be
approximated by R(O-) =r,ci) 4 . This may not hold for the turbid, but algae-poor samples of River Vecht and Amsterdam-
Rijn Kanaal, which deviated markedly from the lake samples.
Figs. 3.a-d show the spectral nature of the relationship between measured R(O-) and co 4 for the four water
types. The figures confirms the linear dependence of R(O-) on co 4 . From the comparison with Table 2 it may be deduced
that a low correlation is caused by a spectral dependency of r,, most markedly for the eutrophic lakes.