Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

In any case, the consequences of general development of the 
technology, the potential influence in other fields, etc., must not be som 
neglected. By means of the mathematical programming the best correlation sig 
between input data and output products can be stated and an optimum solution etc 
or a pathway to the aim can be indicated giving a chosen goal with certain gen 
constraints and production functions. 
As one can see, the necessity of stating and solving this problem 
is an obvious task at the present stage when we must and can select and 
manage different technically and economically feasible processes. In other 
words, we have the possibility to choose, what is very important (what a 
difference in comparison with 20 years ago!) 
Taken as a whole, the problem is of an extraordinary complexity res 
due to all its parameters, constraints and correlations. sen 
We shall start with successive models conceiving and approaching the 
frame continuously perfectible, which is to be checked step by step. That int 
means a double way action: the accomplishment of new models and their the 
checking regarding different objective criteria. In other words, a designed des 
model is subsequently considered as input data for a checking process. hyb 
The approach to such a problem has been rather sporadic till now a r 
as a momentary organization of the achievements at some stages. to 
The fitting the principles and technology of the economic analysis des 
is the first possible approach. In /5-7/ are given some features of the 
general frame, useful of course, but only outlining the phenomenon, not 
solving it. con 
The parameters and their weight coefficients have a fundamental ' as; 
influence upon the solutions, that means practically we get a formal aspect and 
for some pre-established pathways. 
In this way the method of linear standard programming is mainly 
used either as a formulation of a minimum total cost /5/ "per se M or as a 
comparison between the total cost/gained benefit of the proposed remote pro 
sensing system and the costs of the classical determination systems /6/. 
The modelling techniques and multi-stage relevance matrices are 
also used as they are generally presented in /7/. 
Especially for limited parts of the process, different technical nee 
optimizations have been approached such as: the optimization of a. multi- 
spectral scanning system /8/, the optimization of the system in respect with /b/ 

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