al and
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le different
It is possible to select different colour tones (hues), given by a
fixed ratio of the three signal amplitudes (ratio mapping, clustering).
From one channel the quantization of the gray levels or an equidensities
display can be made.
Details of these procedures are explained with the following examples
for land use classification from an ERTS scene in Bavaria. For further
information of the instrument and programming see bibliography.
The display of the results is made on colour film, using colour coding
of objects. A reproduction in this paper is not possible} colour slides
are available from the author.
> •
Leal ground
The separation of surface water from other details is possible by
density slicing in the channel MSS 7. In this channel the water appears
dark by the low infrared remissivity. The density level for the
separation of water had to be set very carefully. For small lakes and
ponds the contrast is reduced because of the limited spatial resolution
of the MSS and photographic processes. In spite of this, lakes and ponds
are detectible , which have dimensions smaller than the theoretical
resolution. For some cases an enhancement of lines and edges, using
high pass filtering, is necessary to get surface water areas more sharply
outlined against other objects. Normally, small rivers do not appear
in the picture. By setting the density discrimination level to lower
values, the rivers are visible, but then other details, namely urban
areas appear in the picture.
The same problem occurs for the classification of water by its blue
colour in the colour composition. Here the clusters of urban areas and
water are not fully separated in the colour space.
For greater lakes and the coastal region of the ocean the water depth
can be determined by the density in the channel MSS 4, provided the
water is clear and not polluted. It is possible to map the water depth
ial by
lied to
down to 20 m using equidensities display.
For vegetation classification a colour composition similar to the false
colour film is used. The vegetation appears in different red colour tones.
Normally, in the colour composition the MSS 7 is copied with red, MSS 5
with green and MSS 4 with blue light. A similar result is gained with
a two-colour composition, copying MSS 7 in red and MSS 4 in cyan (blue-green)
For vegetation analysis these two colour compositions are equal. This
d for
d out
shows that MSS 5 (and MSS 6) is of linear dependance from MSS 4 and MSS 7.
Before making an operational analysis of the vegetation with the colour
scanner, a cluster diagram was made. For samples of known vegetatidn
objects the three colour densities are measured. Each triple of densities
represents a vector in the colour space. For vegetation the colour space