Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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the basis of direct and indirect data. During the field work, the selected 
test is carried out as well as calibration of characteristics, determined at 
the laboratory. 
The new technology reduces the extent of field estimation work 
approximately by 1.5 - 2 times, so the amount of estimation work carried out 
by a practising forester for a year increases by 1.5 times. Thus surveying 
and geodetic work are fully reduced and there appears 20-25 percent reduction 
of costs. The accuracy of estimation increases somewhat due to more 
detailed study of the total area of the forest compartment. While during the 
first years the new technology found its application in forest lands, rather 
simple in structure and had not been involved with forestry, at present it 
is used in rather complex forest lands. The annual amount of forest work 
which has been carried out on the basis of the technology, is over 5 millions 
hectares at present and the variant of the technology is elaborated upon 
because intensive forestry has a fructional structure, it is based on the 
rational combination of analysis and measuring in interpretation of false 
color multispectral aerial photographs at the scale 1:10000, with ground 
estimation and is in practise in forestry work in the Central regions of 
the European part of the USSR [1l]. 
The technology of forest inventory of mountain forests is elabo 
rated, and is based on the combination of the analysis and measuring inter 
pretation with ground estimation, based on the landscape method. This 
technology is now in practise in the North-West forest investigations in our 
Aerial methods are greatly applied to forest evaluation work 
in almost inaccessible regions of Central Asia. 
For the purpose of forest inventory of the forests, special 
methods are elaborated based on the rational combination of estimation 
measuring interpretation of aerial photographs with the scale 1:10000 - 
1:15000 (black-and-white in deserts multispectral in highlands and lowlands) 
with a bit of field work and observations with the aid of airplanes and 
helicopters [5]. 
The existing technology of forest inventory, especially in 
desert vegetation has something in particular compared with forests of the 
moderate zone. One of the principal estimation indices is the diameter of 
crowns of chaparrals. Taking this index into consideration one might 
determine the number of chaparrals visible, then the areas of crown's 
projections are summarized and after that the calculation of the stock is 
carried out. There also exist correlative interconnections between the age 
and visible and measured indices of heighrt and diameter of crowns on the 
aerial photographs. The technique of airvisual investigation of rangelands 
of deserts is elaborated, and in combination with aerial estimation of forests 
it permits one to obtain a more exhaustive complex evaluation of the desert 
forest for the purpose of forestry. 
Lately the series of experimental work on the subject of 
application of large-scaled aerial (1:3000 - 1:5000) and (1:1000 - 1:2000)

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