Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

At 13 th Congress of International Society of Photogrammetry 
in 1976 , it was recommended to continue the past efforts on 
"Bibliography and Information Dissemination” under the working 
According to the Commission VI board proposal, which was expres 
sed in circular letter No 1, the Working Croup VI / 4 ; "Biblio 
graphy and Information Dissemination" was established. 
The programme of W.G.VI/4, which was presented in the circular 
letter No 2, from May 1977, is as follows; 
- Preparation and publishing of the second volume of "ISP 
National Bibliographies of Photogrammetry, Photointerpreta 
tion and Remote Sensing". 
- Compilation of the list of doctor's theses in the field of 
photogrammetry, photointerpretation and remote sensing. 
- Collaboration with ITC in conection with "The International 
Bibliography of Photogrammetry / IBP /". 
- Collaboration with "Commission Inter Associations de Biblio 
graphie" ♦ 
- Establishment of contact with institutions equipped with 
computerized bibliographic system, with a goal being the 
creation of a central system which would encompass photo- 
grarametrÿ, photointerpretation and remote sensing.

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