Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Dr*Eng* Jerzy Bernasik 
The Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy 
in Cracow 
Engineering photogrammetrie methods are being used more often in 
Poland, but the rate of initiation into production stage is 
rather slow* The paper discusses the reasons, which delay the 
development of these photogrammetrie applications* The existing 
stage is presented* Lately undertaken activity which can 
improve this situation and suggestions which can more quickly 
introduce engineering photogrammetrie methods to common use 
in Poland are described* 
Under the name of engineering photogrammetry one can understand 
the surveing methods of photogrammetry, used in the phase of 
designing, constructing or exploitation of a structure or de 
vice* The utilization of terrestrial photogrammetry on that 
scope by a few Polish companies, gave diverse results* There 
is no notlcable expansion of photogrammetry in industry, and 
except for a few exceptions, it has a rather narrow field of 
application* There are even companies which do not believe in 
engineering photogrammetry profitability* 
A certain study has been undertaken to make clear the causes 
of that unfavourable situation* I will try to describe the 
state of affairs in the field of utilization of terrestrial 
engineering photogrammetry in Poland* Pointing out some draw 
back-factors, I will try also, indicate the ways, how to fight 
the appearing difficulties* 
The state of Engineering Photogrammetry in Poland 
The methods of terrestrial engineering photogrammetry are 
applied instead of methods of geodesy, often in cases when the 
quality of photogrammetric results is not obtainable any other 
way* It happens usually, when a continuous line plotting gives 
a better description of an object than a point by point method« 
It happens also when simultanous recording of numerous elements 
of dynamic system, giv a better description of deformation 
than stretchen in time geodetic survey, or when need of objecti 
vity or documentality results in photographs supremacy over 
any field note* 
In cases when the photogrammetric survey is the only proper 
method, the economy of survey doe 3 not play the main role any 
more* It is a promoting sytuation for dispersion of some methods 
of terrestrial photogrammetry in industry*

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