Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Table of Contents 
Summary, Résume, Zusammenfassung 
1. Cartography and Photogrammetry, do they have an 
Identical or a Different Subject of Research ? 
2. In what Fields of Research do Interrelations exist 
between Photogrammetry and Cartography ? 
3. Of what Importance are the Developments of Instrument 
Technique for Cartography and Photogrammetry ? 
A. The Commissions of the International Cartographic 
Association (ICA) for the period 1976...1980 
B. The Commissions of the International Society for 
Photogrammetry (ISP) for the period 1976...1980 
C. Some further Proposals regarding the Cooperation 
between ICA and ISP 
D. References 

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