the bottom of the glacial drift, these granular deposits usually contain high
shale contents, a highly deleterious substance as far as concrete fabrication is
concerned on the Canadian prairies.
Associated fieldwork
Interpretation of aerial photographs does not replace fieldwork; rather, it
increases its effectiveness and efficiency. Airphoto and ground studies are not
independent: instead, they are interdependent. They serve to supplement and
to complement each other. On-the-ground checking is essential for the in
experienced photo interpreter. The amount of fieldwork required varies not
only with interpretive experience but also with the dictates of the study, such
as the amount of detail required, type and quality of material required, acces
sibility, amount of time and funds available. Certainly one of the most im
portant functions of the photo interpreter is to economize on field sampling.
The airphoto observer will pinpoint specific locations to check in the field. He
will know what he should look for in the held since he will have visualized
surface indications he feels will verify his predictions.
American Society of Photogrammetry. (1960). Manual of photographic interpretation:
Washington, D.C., 868 p.
Belcher, D.J. (1948a). Determination of soil conditions from aerial photographs. Photo-
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Belcher, D. J. (1948b). The determination of soil conditions by aerial photographic analysis.
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Frost, R. E. (1945). Identification of granular deposits by aerial photographs. Highway
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Hittle, J. E. (1949). Airphoto interpretation of engineering sites and materials. Photogram-
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Jenkins, D. S., Belcher, D. J., Gregg, L. E. and Woods, K. B. (1946). The origin, distribu
tion and airphoto identification of United States soils. U.S. Dept, of Commerce, CAAA,
Tech. Development Rept. no. 52 and Appendix B.
Leighty, R. D. (1957). Procedure for evaluation of fluvio-glacial terraces from airphotos
(Abstract). Highway Research Board, v. 27, no. 5.
Lueder, D. R. (1959). Aerial photographic interpretation. Principles and applications.
New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 462.
Mollard, J. D. (1949). Photo interpretation of transported soil materials. Engineering Inst.
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Mollard, J. D. (1952). Aerial photographic studies on the central Saskatchewan Irrigation
Project. Cornell Univ. Ph. D. Thesis, Ithaca, N.Y., 303 p.
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Mollard, J. D. (1958). Ten years of mapping granular deposits from aerial photographs.
Highway Research Board Bull. 180.
Pollock, D. H. (1955). The airphoto analysis of engineering soils. Univ. Alberta M.Sc.
Stoeckeler, E. G. and Gorrill, W. R. (1959). Airphoto analysis of terrain for highway
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