Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
SLAR as a research tool 
G.P.de Loor & P.Hoogeboom 
Physics and Electronics Laboratory TNO, The Hague, Netherlands 
ABSTRACT: In the early seventies for seme time an EME real aperture X-band SLAR with imaging on film was 
flcwn in the Netherlands. It shewed many new and unexpected phenomena, in particular over the sea. It soon 
became clear that for a closer investigation of these phenomena an absolute and digital system is necessary. 
Being simple and straightforward and still giving sufficient coverage and resolution for the research 
purposes under consideration, a real aperture system was chosen. Its final construction and implementation 
required the efforts of several institutes. Radiometric and creometric errors caused by unwanted aircraft 
motions can new be corrected during the data processing and resampling, resulting in a presentation of the 
data in a map corrected format. The radicmetric accuracy of the system and its internal and external 
calibration are discussed. 
Already since the early sixties side-looking radars 
have been flcwn over the Netherlands with as a 
result the detection of many new and interesting 
phenomena (de Loor 1981). They delivered images on 
film of which the respective grey tones had only a 
vague undefined relation with the radar backscatter 
of the observed phenomena. Therefore, when the Dutch 
remote sensing program proceeded, it soon became 
clear that such simple imaging systems were not 
sufficient. The major advantage of radar - apart from 
the fact that it can be used day and night and 
through clouds - is the fact that it can produce 
absolute figures for the backscatter. Good examples 
in this respect are the windscatterometers in 
satellites as SEASAT and the ERS-1. 
Ihe Dutch remote sensing program emphasizes the 
various aspects of the interaction of the sensor 
(the radar in this case) and the objects observed in 
order to design optimum sensors and data handling 
procedures which require a minimum of signal 
transmission bandwidth and -time. Therefore 
groundbased measurements have been carried out on 
agricultural crops (de Loor et al 1982) and the sea 
surface (de Loor and Hoogeboom 1982) and a large 
data base is new available in the Netherlands. In 
this way an insight was gained in the use of radar 
for e.g. classification, monitoring, oil detection, 
etc. It was also found that the good use of radar 
asks for special procedures which require accurate 
observation systems. Therefore the choice was made 
for a SLAR system with digital data recording, 
internal calibration, and accurate absolute data 
handling. A real aperture system is the least 
costly, relatively simple and straightforward, and 
still gives sufficient coverage for research 
When speaking about resolution one usually means 
geometric resolution. Dynamic resolution ("contrast" 
in photography), hewever, is just as important. 
Measurements (de Loor et al 1982; de Loor and 
Hoogeboom 1982) have shewn that in the microwave 
window the variation in radar backscatter between 
areas of interest (e.g. due to waves at sea, due to 
different crop species on land, etc.) are small: a 
10 to 20 dB at maximum. To differentiate between 
these different targets (e.g. between crops) the 
radar must have a high dynamic resolution: better 
than J. dB, This is a seyepe requirement in itself 
b-’h there is another problem due to the coherence of 
the illumination we use in radar. The targets 
mentioned are all compound targets with dimensions 
larger than the pixel size. Within a pixel they all 
contain many scatterers as e.g. the stems and leaves 
in a vegetation canopy. The reflection measured by a 
radar will be the vector sum of the reflections at 
the individual scatterers. Because of their movement 
this vector sum will vary with time. The-return 
signal to the radar so fluctuates with time and its 
strength varies according to a Rayleigh distribution. 
This means that single independent observations can 
vary considerably. This is the well knewn speckle 
in many radar images. To obtain an accurate value 
for the backscatter coefficient averaging over a 
sufficient number of independent observations is 
necessary. The more the number of independent 
observations, N, the better and smoother the grey- 
tone. See figure 1. The eye does better in this 
respect (Moore 1979) than a machine, since 
unconsciously the eye averaaps over neighbouring 
pixels. An image of pixels with №=5 to 10 looks nice 
but is difficult to handle for a machine (variation 
between pixels: +2.5 dB). 
So speckle is inherent to radar images and must be 
taken into account. Among others it can obscure 
texture or - wrongly - be seen as texture (Churchill 
and Wright 1984). Three approaches are possible to 
deal with it: averaging within a pixel, averaging 
per area, or a combination of both. In the Dutch 
SLAR averaging within a pixel is used. This averaging 
is either over 8 independent samples (geometric 
resolution 7.5 x 7.52m ) or over 30 (geometric 
resolution 15 x 15 in ) which gives an accuracy per 
pixel for a compound target of respectively + 2.5 dB 
or + 1 dB. This is insufficient for many 
applications, among others in crop classification, 
and therefore Hoogeboom (1986) also uses averaging 
per field. 
The above assumed that the independent observations 
taken by the radar are absolute values (are 
radiometrically correct). This requires a series of 
measures in the system, which indeed were taken in 
the Dutch digital SLAR. They will now be described 
shortly. This can best be done with the aid of the 
radar equation:

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