80 d 90
,00 9.00
.13 9.28
,00 7.20
,39 9.93
,40 9.00
.40 10.99
.40 5.20
.25 6.83
.80 10.50
.85 8.05
.70 7.00
.88 9.86
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International Conference on Advances in Patern
Recognition and Digital Techniques. Calcutta, India.
on the
third Princi-
ient of 0.66
can be used
n grain sizes
ng independ-
/erage corre-
late. Results
ion technique
i coefficient
n . However,
ent (m = 0)
model const-
ion technique
ird error of
ird deviation
s that there
of the regre-
lesis for the
j11 hypothesis
lability level
e confidence
This suggests
tistical sense
r relationship
d reflectance
lization tech-
ig the grain
alues in the
del is statis-
le usefulness
ever, further
echnique for