Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Pig. 5 The wet biomass distribution for the Tarim River 
Basin in Xinjiang on 13th of June, 1983. 
to the results illustrated above, a pasture 
biomass in the Middle and Lower Tarim River 
Basin is classified as shown in Pig,5. it is 
portrayed that in this region the pasture 
biomass is symmetrically distributed along 
both sides of the Tarim River with a orien 
tation. Close to the river bank the grass 
biomass density is more than 400 kg/mu, while 
far grom the river bank it is reduced, and 
less than 100 kg/mu. There is a regular dis 
tribution: along the River forest with popu- 
lus diversifolia is domonant, outside towar 
ds, pasture with bushes, then grassy marsh 
land, and finally, desert-grassland. In this 
study the maximum pasture biomass is invol 
ved in such locations as Puhui Country, Wei- 
li, and Donghetan, while the minimum is in 
the desert area very far from the river. 
This distribution feature is controlled by 
groundwater on both sides of the Tarim River, 
because the closer bank, the more the groun 
dwater is enriched. The categories of pas 
ture biomass shown in Pig.5 are also agree 
able to the ground surface cases. 
By statistical analysis, it is recognized 
that the sampling locations are still not 
enough to compare the number of controlling 
quantitative data, and there is a disadvan 
tage in that we have not used time-synchro 
nous data between NOAA and hand clipping, 
e venthough an effective approach was acce 
pted, because there was no alternative. Next 
time, more sampling plots will be required 
and multi-temporal images will be accepted 
to improve and to establish the method for 
estimating pasture biomass in the arid or 
semi-arid region. 
3.1 The NOAA’s data without cloud cover in 
the Tatim River Basin, was obtained for the 
first time in Xinjiang, with which a preli 
minary test to estimate pasture biomass was 
3.^ Between ND = CH2 - un-|/CH2 + CH-i and the 
pasture biomass there exists a positive cor 
relation where the correlation coefficient 
is prettyhigh and reaches to that of r=0.95. 
The ND distribution by NOAA’s data is appro 
ximately agreeable to the practice. 
3.3 The ND of pasture biomass in the Tarim 
River Basin, Xinjiang is symmetrically dis 
tributed on both sides of the river with a 
3.4 In the Xinjiang region NOAA estimation 
for pasture biomass on a large scale has 
such advantages as low cost, good effect, 
and feasibility, etc.. 
One improved method is observation for a 
5-10 day cycle duration the grass growing 
season and time-synchronous data between 
NOAA and ground sampling such as the hand 
clipping weighing method. It enables us to 
find the dynamic changes in pasture biomass, 
and it is important for the understanding 
of forage sources, and establishing pasture 
use planning in the Xinjiang area. 
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