Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

According to the above-mentioned principles 
and.foundations for establishing the expla 
natory symbols, we must first set up the vi 
sual explanatory symbols and the interpreta 
tion indexing catalogue of the various re 
sources in the work area, And then, use the 
various optically processed satellite and 
aerial photos to visually interpret and ex 
plan, to classify various resources, and to 
draw various specialized diagrams with a 
scale of 1:50,000.It has been proven by field 
experiments, that the rate of accuracy can 
amount to 92.3%. 
By this method, we have investigated clea 
rly the area of forest distribution, the 
form of forrests and their storage amount, 
and the area, grade, and yield of reed re 
sources, in our working area. At the same 
time, we also clorifid the type and distri 
bution area of grasslands, vegetation cover, 
and the soil resources in the area. This has 
provided a scientific foundation for produc 
tion planning and distribution. 
Ding Zhi(etc).1984• Visual interpret and ex 
planation mark of airphotos and landsat 
images in south mountain regions.Urumqi. 
Xinjiang geography Voi.7 No.2:52-57* 
Thomas, M. Lillesand and Ralph, W. Kiefer. 
1979. Introduction to airphoto interpreta 
tion .remote sensing and image interpreta 
tion. 94-187. 
Williams, D.L. &Nelson, R.F. & Dottavio,C.L. 
1985. A georeferenced landsat digital da 
tabase for forest insect-damage assessment 
Int.J.Remote sensing. Voi.6,No.5,643-656.

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