Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Vol. 1)

>nif erous 
of the 
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spatial di- 
:ion on 
to photo- 
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reveal ed 
rial photos 
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+5-157. and 
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the burned 
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nic influ- 
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>s obtained 
X)S with the 
¡nding on 
1 space pno- 
lse of mul- 
use of spa- 
id changes 
e plotted 
y of 0.8- 
damaged or 
damage in- 
mful effects 
it Orlova 
not only to 
t fires, and 
■ dynamics, 
ained from 
used. The 
r. They re- 
ill fires, 
its forest 
1 ha, 38.97. 
nore than 
s fire deve- 
space. Forest 
with the ac- 
jakhov, Po- 
eppe and de 
order to 
ct agricul- 
re still be- 
from secu- 
ition of the- 
ry qualita- 
tion about 
, their pa- 
»out the ero- 
:ierosion mea- 
iral lands 
inventory and 
ild preferab- 
of combina- 
:e materials 
id works. 
Space photos facilitate the compilation of 
maps with spatial distribution of securing 
stands and linear erosion network, the de 
termination (with the probability of 0.7- 
0.9) of their shape, geometric parameters, 
construction and species groups. Selective 
vertical and oblique aerial photography at 
scale 1:3000 and 1:5000 makes it possible 
to determine the species composition in se 
curing stands, their age, mean height and 
diameter, number of trees, volume per 1 ha 
with mean-root-square errors of +5-157. which 
is satisfactory in practice (Borovikov, Ka 
satkin & Sidorenko 1985). 
Hence, in complex study of forest develop 
ment and reproduction dynamics with the help 
of materials of aerial and space photography 
by the principle: 'from the general to the 
particular' the three-stage (space, aerial, 
ground) system of information collection in 
which the next stage details and specifies 
information obtained with the help of the 
previous stage may be successfully used. Fi 
eld work in the forest when solving all the 
tasks of the given group is necessary only 
for studying the interpretational features 
and aerial and space photography materials, 
for accomplishing of the control and speci 
fication of the interpretation results. As 
a result the timeliness of work increases, 
it becomes less labour consuming, and it's 
cost is reduced 1.5-2 times and more. 
The obtained timely information about the 
results of anthropogenic activities in the 
forest allows to eliminate or reduce their 
unfavourable consequences, and to actualize 
the studied forest fund materials in time. 
Borovikov, N.Z., B.I. Kasatkin & S.B.Sidore- 
nko 1985. Interpretation of securing fo 
rest stands by aerial space photographs. 
In Book New methods of information collec 
tion and processing in forest inventory. 
Moscow: Gosleskhoz SSSR, VNIILM. 
Zhirin,V.M. & O.L. Orlova 1985. Main tenets 
of the method of reforestation assessment 
and evaluation of young growth formation 
on cutovers of the taiga zone with the 
help of aerial space photography materials. 
In Book New methods of Information collect 
tion and processing in forest inventory. 
Moscow: Gosleskhoz SSSR, VNIILM. 
Zhirin, V.M. & V.I.Sukhikh 1980. Burns reve 
lation from space (practical recommenda 
tions). Moscow: Gosleskhoz SSSR. VNIILM. 
Ljakhov, V.A,, L. I .Popov & V.I.Suxhikh 1984. 
Experimental work in piloted spaceships 
and long-term orbital stations done for 
forestry purposes. UNO Int. workshop on 
practical application of the Earth's re 
mote sensing data in forestry. Moscow. 
Sukhikh, V.I., J.S.Apostolov, S.G.Sinitsin 
et al. 1979. Aerial space methods in natu 
re conservation and forestry. Moscow: Les- 
naja Promishlennost.

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