> cll
3 4
5 6
^ n
3 4
5 6
3 4
5 6
~ m
3 4 5 6 Bands
3 4 5 6 Bands
3456 Bands
2. Loadings or
Lents for Prin-
Dmpcnents of 6
Lve TM bands,
ït D).
in Principal
seled Cap Planes
data when the
sformation; then
ed by the TM
ained with MSS
ults of Anuta,
spectrally se-
21 spectrally
3 same area.
bands (Approach
i the first data
lasses. The cla-
nonsidered the
tion from all
andard procedure
ational facili-
TM bands
the classifi
cation . In this
rded in the Per
classes selected
rat band.
1 bands (Approah
assifiacticn for
yLth the best 6
^formed to assess
aand cn classi-
4.5 Classification with the best four TM bands
(Approach IV)
A classification with the best four bands was oerfor
med to compare this results with those of four Prin
cipal Components. Even though the combination of
bands 1, 4, 5, and 6 had a greater average ET (1975
-vs- 1973); the 1, 4, 5 and 7 band combination was
selected because of the higher minimum ET value ob
tained with this combination (660 -vs- 457).
These results confirm that band 7 provides more
information in the higher ordered Principal Compo
nents transformation than does the thermal band.
4.6 Classification with the six reflective bands
(approach V)
If digital pattern recognition analysis of remotely
sensed data is performed with a selected combinatio-
of spectral bands the training statistics (cluster)
must be generated with those bands (Swain, 1983).
A second multispectral analysis was conducted over
the sane area to evaluate a classification performed
without the thermal band. The training stattistics
were derived from the six reflective bands only.
There were 37 spectrally separable classes as in
the data set A, but there were differences between
the training statistics of the two data sets. This
second set of training statistics had more mixed
spectral classes than did the data set A. This mixing
occured mainly in non-water, non-vegetative classes.
Both the minimum and the average ET values for the
second data set (B) were greater than those obtained
in the data set A.
4.7 Classification with 4 Principal Components
(Approach VI)
The multispectral analysis of Principal Components
was carried out with a slightly different technique
than that used for the analysis of the TM bands. The
selection criteria used in the analysis of Principal
Components was based mainly on the separability
betweeen pairs of classes and their spatial distribu
tion on the cluster map.
The final training statistics for approach VI con
tained 35 spectrally separable classes. However, the
number of mixed spectral classes had increased. The
minimum and average separability values were greater
in approach VI than those obtained using the best
four bands (approach IV).
4.8 Classification with 3 Principal Components
(Approach VII)
The first three principal components of data sets
C and D contained approximately the same amount of
information, the difference being that the data set
D had slightly greater cumulative percentage variance
than did the data set C (Tables 3 and 4). A classi
fication with the first three Principal Components of
data set C was performed to be compared with the cla
ssification from data set D.
4.9 Multispectral analysis of data set D (Approach
In data set D the first three principal components
account for 98.979 % of the total variance in the
scene (Table 4). These three components were utilized
in the multispectral analysis, in which 31 spectrally
separable classes were obtained.
The minimum ET value obtained in this approach was
significantly greater tahn that obtained in the data
set C for the best (first) three Principal Components
(Approach VII). There was no great difference among
the average separability of all the eight approaches.
Table 6. Average and minimum separability values
(Transformed Divergence Distance, DT) for each cla-
ssifiaction approach.
Approach Bands or Minimum Average
P. Components Separability Separability
Data set
A = 37 spectrally
1,2 ,3,4,5,6 ,7
Data set
B = 37 spectrally
1,2 ,3,4,5 ,7
Data set
C = 35 spectrally
1,2 ,3,4
Data set
D = 31 spectrally
4.10 Visual evaluation
The eight classifiactions were displayed on a color
video display device where they were visually evalua
ted. This evaluation was performed by assigning a
different color for each of the spectral classes
obtained in the 8 classifications and comparing them
with the low altitude aerial photographs.
The classifiactions performed with the data set A,
were considered the best. THe classifications perform
med with data sets B, C and D were ranked from good
to bad in that order.
4.11 Statistical evaluation
To evaluate the classification accuracy of each appro
ach, the final spectral classes obtained for each data
set were grouped into nine major domains: Com, soy
bean , forest, grass , bare soil, roads, urban, industry
and water. One hundred pixels of known identity were.
defined for each of the nine cover types. Those nine
hundred points were compared with the identification
label obtained for each of them in the eight classi
fications .
Confidence intervals. may be more useful than signia
ficance test in multiple comparisons. Confidence in
tervals show the degree of uncertainty in each compa
rison in an easily interpretable way. Considering this,
a BOnferroni confidence interval test was adopted to
evaluate the classification performance of each of
the eight approaches for the nine coyer types.
The results of the BOnferroni test are presented in
Table 7. The eight approaches of classification were
evaluated for each cover type.
There was not an approach that could be considered
different from the others for all the nine cover
Approaches I and II were considered non significantly
different for the nine cover types. Approaches I and
V were not considered different for cover types in
dustry, soils and water. Approaches II and III were
considered different for the cover type roads, and
approaches VI and VIII where considered significantly
different for the non-vegetated cover types.