Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

4 Parallax Bar with Floating Mark 
The VM operation is based on the floating mark prin 
ciple using an automated parallax bar. The floating 
marks are illuminated dots of 75, 125, 250 or 500 
/im diameter on plastic disks in direct contact with 
the photographs (separated by a 7 mil thick Mylar 
protective marked cover). This approach emphasizes 
the measurement on the photograph. Height measure 
ment is direct and not subject to distortions. Most 
of the time the photographs are in superimposition 
with the map. However, to achieve optimal height 
measurement accuracy it is possible to increase the 
photomagnification beyond that required for super 
The parallax bar is motor driven in the X and Y 
directions. X and Y parallax separations (px and 
py respectively) are also motor driven using a single 
4 dimensional joystick control. All four axes are 
encoded: X and Y by rotary encoders with 50 /urn re 
solution, py by rotary encoder with 5 jam resolution, 
and px by a linear incremental encoder of 5 /am reso 
lution to eliminate any backlash or linear to rotary 
conversion errors. Assuming a nominal photobase of 
100 mm the theoretical system resolution of measured 
height is .005% of the flying height. With this 
inherent capability of the instrument it is up to 
the experience and training of the operator to 
achieve repeatability and accuracy as near to the 
theoretical as possible (Trinder, 1986). 
Relative and absolute orientation parameters are 
automatically converted into correcting motions of 
the px and py stepper motor drives to eliminate y 
parallax anywhere in the overlap area of the photo 
graphs and to provide automatic height and elevation 
correction for the various tilts and displacements 
inherent in near vertical photography 
5 VM Computer and Display 
Computations of orientation parameters, correction 
values for the motors, height and elevation measure 
ments are performed by an Intel 8031 (8051 family) 
microprocessor based system with approximately 45 
kBytes of ROM based program memory. Programming was 
done in Assembler language to achieve a maximum data 
transfer rate from feedback elements to computing 
and to the motor drives of px and py parallax motions. 
The computer is housed in a control unit shared by 
power supplies, encoding, joystick and motor control 
circuitry. A separate Keyboard/Display unit is posi 
tioned to the side of the operator (Fig. 2). It dis 
plays at all times the photo X and Y coordinates 
and a selected value or parameter (normally height 
or elevation). The keyboard allows keying-in of 
parameters, offsets, units, etc. 
Figure 2. VM Keyboard/Display Unit 
6 VM Output Capability (Printing) 
Many users performing simple land use studies re 
quiring the measurement of spot and object heights 
may need no more than just a display of such heights 
together with the corresponding X/Y photocoordinates 
to be able to reconstruct the setup and repeat the 
Other workers require a hard copy of the jobs per 
formed. For this purpose an 1/0 capability with a 
dot matrix printer has been provided which on command 
(pushbutton on the joystick assembly, Fig. 3) will 
transfer a selectable and sequentially incrementing 
observation number, height, elevation, and photo X/Y 
coordinates to a printer for a permanent record. 
Selecting another transfer mode allows a permanent 
record of relative, absolute orientation parameters 
and X, Y, Z control point photo-and ground coordinates. 
Switches on the VM 1/0 board permit adapting the 
printer output to a variety of popular printers. 
Figure 3. VM Joystick Assembly with Transfer Buttons 
7 VM Input/Output Capability (Computer Interface) 
Via another output port, an RS 232 type serial 1/0 
port, calibration parameters and running observation 
numbers, height, elevation, X/Y photocoordinates may 
be transferred to an external personal, micro-, mini 
computer with its own RS 232 interface. Three push 
buttons are provided on the joystick assembly to 
initiate the transfer and to distinguish between con 
tinuous, interrupted and termination of transfer. 
The baud rate may be selected on DIP switches on the 
VM 1/0 board and usually on DIP switches of computer 
serial 1/0 boards. Alternatively computers may have 
a software baud rate selection capability. The 
availability of 300 and 1200 Baud selections enables 
transfer of data via a standard modem. The VM is 
normally connected as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). 
Conversion to Data Communication Equipment (DCE) may 
be done by plug inversion on the VM 1/0 board. 
The transfer of calibration and coordinate data to 
Bausch & Lomb's own Resource Measurement System (RMS) 
has been implemented. The data transfer rate is as 
high as 9600 Baud at distances between VM and computer 
of up to 30 m. Transfer to an IBM PC/AT computer is 
also being undertaken. Data have been structured 
into blocks of ASCII data and symbols according to a 
logical compact data format. The data structure is 
available to anyone wishing to interface to his own 
8 VM - RMS Data Transfer 
The RMS system uses a built-in Apple lie computer. 
Operator friendly menu based software has been im 
plemented to set up the RMS to receive either cali 
bration data or coordinate data from the VM and to 
store the data in files designated as "filename.cal" 
or "filenam 
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9 Data Edit 
The stored 
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10 Data Pri 
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11 Data Plo 
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12 Conclusi 
The combina 
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RMS routine 

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