Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

tee for 
Mr President of the International Society of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing 
uli and 
for a 
Mr Mayor of the City of Rhodes 
Ladies and Gentelment, 
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with great pleasure I welcome you to Greece, in the lovely island of 
Rhodes and to the sixth Symposium of the International Society of 
on the 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 
After a long and active participation in the activities of this 
Society Greece has tried to assume the responsibility of a 
Technical Commission. In 1976 we tried to get Commission V but 
lost it to Sweden by one vote. Finally, in July 1988 in Kyoto after a 
hard competition and vote of 160 member countries Greece got 
Commission VI for the period 1988-1992. 
We were very interested in that Commission because we 
were pretty confident that with our experience we could contribute 
and could drastically reform the functions and performance of 
Commission VI which was considered unsatisfactory by many in 
recent years. 
The 50 papers and reports appearing in the program and the 
participation of so many well known collègues, from all over the 
world, indicate, that our efforts for Commission VI are npt only are 
on the right track but will be proven successful.

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