Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

An efficient education system should provide three broad catego 
ries of people (Ghosh, 1988), as prescribed by the contemporary practice: 
(a) Technicians, to operate the corresponding instruments, 
(b) University graduates or professionals or production engineers to be in 
charge of production lines, and 
(c) Postgraduates, capable for technical planning, policy and decision mak 
ing, management, teaching and scientific research. 
Production establishments, on the other hand, should provide feed 
back to education organizations, as wether instruction is sufficient and 
possibly oppinions about improvements of curricula. 
The technology employed by existing production lines, as far as 
photog'rammetry is concerned is in a great extend outdated. Analog stereo 
restitution with graphical products is the predominant production scheme. 
There are only four analytical plotters in the country, of which one 
belongs to a private firm. Hellenic photogrammetric establishments are 
experiencing nowadays the switchover from analogue/graphical to digital 
Remote Sensing hard- and software is contemporary, since it is a 
newly implemented discipline. The cost, however, of instrumentation is too 
high to be afforded by private firms, given the (non-existent) volume of 
work, at present. 
The manpower functioning in the above technological enviroment, 
according to the mentioned three levels of expertise, show the following 
(a) Technicians: The public' sector organizations train their own operators 
according to their own organization, applications orientation and needs. 
Private firms employ as external part-timers the best of the (retired) 
public sector operators. 
(b) .Professionals: The vast majority of production engineers are Rural and 
Surveying engineers, self- or by experience trained in photogrammetric 
techniques. In this category belong nearly all active photogrammetrists 
who keep managerial posts, the owners—production engineers of the 
private firms being included. Post-graduate diplomas or M.Sc’s from 
institutes like ITC are the exceptions.

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