Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

The opportunities afforded by digital technology in the capture, handling, 
and presentation of geo-information can only be fully realized when the 
disciplines and perspectives of Photogramme try, Cartography, Remotely Sensed 
Data/Digital Image Processing and Computer Science are integrated and 
focused on providing the best response to user needs. 
This new integrated perspective has been the reason for creating at ITC a new 
department of Geo-Informatics including the above mentioned disciplines and, 
in particular, for developing a new education programme for management and 
technical support level staff which is based on the concept of integrated map 
and geo-information production as presented in figure 2. 
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Fig. 2: 
Concept of the ITC Integrated Map and Geo-Information Production system 
(Ref. 2)

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