E exponential character string (ISO 6093 NR3; 8824 char real)
F floating exponential, binary (ANSI/IEEE 754 "Floating Real")
R floating exponential, binary (ASN.l, ISO 8824 "Real")
Z character positions with no format explicitly defined
The TYPE segments which define the concrete transfer syntax (formats) of
the individual data fields will be:
TYPE = givenName,(A,) ;
TYPE = initial,(A,) ;
TYPE = family Name,(A,) ;
TYPE = dateOfBirth,(I,) ;
TYPE = title,(A,) ;
TYPE = number,(I,) ;
TYPE = dateOfHire,(I,) ;
TYPE = numberOfChildren,(I,) ;
— Allows multiple initial
- Semantics is YYYYMMDD
— Allows multi-digit employee number
- Semantics is YYYYMMDD
All of the fields are variable-length, terminated with the comma delim
iters. The "!" record delimiter is pre-defined within TSDN as the default
value. All that now remains is to complete the mechanics of the TSDN
MCAI = TSDN,1990-09 ; - Identifies TSDN date of issue
UID = ASN.l Personnel Record Example ; — User-defined identification
TYPE Segments
OBJECT Segments — Segments as described above
FILEID Segment
END. -- Completes the Detail Section
— If there were data records att
ached, they would be here.
eof — Completes the TSDN Module
Data Conversion
In a heterogeneous system containg diverse computers and programming
languages, it is almost certain that the data as retrieved from a remote
system or archive will be in different format than that required by the
recipient. By using the description transmitted with the data (or on hand
apriori) conversion routines may be invoked to convert the representations
to the required form, with a minimum of intervention by the recipient.
This is the point at which the retrieval request is answered. A service is
anticipated, and being prototyped, which will read a TSDN description and
deliver to the application a properly-formatted data entity. (This service
is not part of TSDN per se, and is given here only as an illustration of a
method of use of TSDN.)