Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

type and development of the vegetation as the 
autotrophic element of the geosystem and its 
indicator. The consideration of these features of 
ecological functioning gives an opportunity to 
compile a map of actual state of geosystems. Such map 
allows to register in the most complete way the 
interactions and interrelations of the components in 
the terms of various ecological modes, which is very 
important for the elaboration of nature protection 
activities and recommendations for creation of 
optimal conditions for development ana preservation 
of the territory. 
Thematic study of the t err i tor'/ by remote 
sensing methods is carried out exclusively for deeper 
learning of its specifications and differences of 
ecological factors. 
This is first of all the obtaining of the data 
about the composition and the conditions of layment of 
geological bodies and formations. For this purpose 
the preliminary data of the rock composition are 
widely used, their water exchange characteristics, 
suitability of the territory for active or passive 
terms of the water exchange, water exhaust 
conditions, existence of fogs and other processes, 
which control the development of migrations! currents 
within the borders of geological fields distribution,are 
analised in details. The content of ecological maps 
of geological composition is corrected by the 
interpretation data, their credibility is check up 
and the new elements of the content are introduced. 
The determination of the limits by 
geomorphological features has an important initial 
significance and the deep sense as the 
geomorphological borders control territorial 
conjugations of ecotops connected by geochemical and 
hydrological regimes, by ecological files of 
associations and other interrelations which form 
ecological area of the state. The systematic 
composition of genetically and geochemically conjugate 
elements is revealed through them. 
The study of subsystems of hydrological objects 
is carried out with the consideration of its 
classification by the types of utilization and the 
modern state. There must be studied ail objects of 
the surface runoff which form the modern character of 
hydrological networks( rivers, lakes, 
reservoirs,fogs,channeIs, the character of coast 
line, etc). Also must be studied other hydrological 
parameters which characterized the current 
alterations and the development trends of erosion 
picture, bogging and flooding processes, etc. 
Special attention is given to the determination 
of the new objects of anthropogenic character, their 
relation with the general ways of hydrological 
networks development and the specifications of

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