Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

graphie cameras were used: 
a) Hand-held cameras in manned space missions: 
- on the station MIR: PRAKTICA (2,4 x 3,6 cm*), HASSEL- 
BLAD (6x6 cm 2 ) 
- on the Space Shuttles: NIKON, HASSELBLAD, LINHOF 
AERO (9x12 cm 2 ). 
The small scale images with a large field and a medium 
resolution are use successfull for various overview and 
regional investigation, for complex and small scale the 
matic mapping and for registration of topical events. 
Of course in all of manned missions with fixed orbit 
inclination the areas for remote sensing are limited in 
the geographic altitude in spite of the possibility of 
oblique photographs. 
b) Fixed metric cameras for topographic and thematic map 
ping : 
- on the station MIR : MKF-6MA 
- on the KOSMOS satellites: KFA-1000, KATE 200 
- on the Space Shuttles : RMK-MC (single 1983), LFC 
(single 1984) 
c) Multispectral systems for thematic mapping: 
- on the station MIR : MKF-6MA 
- on the KOSMOS satellites: KFA-1000, KATE-200 
(KFA-200), MK-4 
- on the Space Shuttles : unknown 
The multispectral systems are realized either by 
coupling single cameras with various spectral filters 
("pure” multispectral systems) or by using of a multi 
layer sensibilized film with following separation of 
the spectral information by filters ("pseudo”-multi 
spectral systems). 
The modern multispectral systems have a geometric quality 
satisfied the high demands from cartography and on this 
way they can be used as metric cameras too ("Metric Mul- 
tispectral Photography" according to (Marek, 1987)).

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