were founded. The fields of interest occupied by these
groups were:
- Systems for Evaluation of Analytical Plotters,
- Accuracy Tests for Analytical Plotters,
- Automated Photogrammetric Instruments and Systems,
- Instruments for Processing and Analysis of Remotely
Sensed Data.
The main interest of the Commission II during a concrete
period can be recognized very well if the designation of
working groups is analyzed. From 1980 - 1984 5 WG are
the basis for the Commission work:
- Analytical and Hybrid Instruments,
- Automated Instruments and Systems,
- Instruments for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data,
- Instruments for Preprocessing, Storage and Dissemi
nation of Remotely Sensed Data,
- Equipment for Processing Synthetic Aperture Radar
We notice that no more optical-mechanical instruments
but Analytical Plotters and automated Systems as far as
instrumentation for photogrammetry is concerned are in
the field of Working Groups interest. The other itemn is
the importance of Remote Sensing which is reflected by
more than 50% of WG activities. This tendency is conti
nued during the following intercongress period from 1984
- 1988. During this time 6 WG and 1 Intercommission WG
were acting about the following themes:
- Analytical Instruments,
- Photogrammetric Digital Image Processing Systems,
- Systems for Remotely Sensed Data,
- Systems for Reception, Recording, Preprocessing, Ar
chiving and Dissemination of Remotely Sensed Data,