Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Off-Line and On-Line Applications of Macro Photogrammetry 
Karsten Jacobsen 
University of Hannover 
Nienburger Str. 1 
D3000 Hannover 
FR Germany 
1. Abstract 
A precise three-dimensional investigation of very small objects is possible by macro 
photogrammetry. The fine structure of human bones, metalic surfaces, tools and 
workpieces have been determined with an accuracy of few microns in the object 
space. Images have been made with a stereo-microscop, a Rolleiflex metric 6006 
and 3003 with macro lenses and macro converter and video cameras with macro 
lenses. The data aquisition was made with analytical and digital stereo plotters and 
directly based on digital images by on-line computation in a PC. 
The small view angles in macro applications are causing special geometric problems. 
Based on a bundle solution with a three-dimensional control pattern the exterior 
and the interior orientation can be determined and directly be used in analytical and 
digital stereo plotters. The traditional method of relative and absolute orientation will 
not lead to sufficiant results in the case of very small view angles, so the handling 
of the images in the plotters and the on-line computations had to be based on a 
bundle solution. 
2. Introduction 
The human bone is not a solid dead material. It is a three-dimensional combination 
of sticks and plates which will be permanently reduced and formed again. The 
geometric character of this is important for the knowledge about the stability and 
the grown old. Research in this field has been limited to measures in cuts and 
stereoscopic views with stereo microscopes. By this reason a photogrammetric 
evaluation of the stereo pairs from stereo microscope has been made. The 
geometric instability of the microscopes has lead to the use of reseau cameras. 
By the same method the structure of metalic surfaces has been determined as 
preparation for a planed on-line solution based on video cameras. A similar problem 
is existing with the on-line check of tools and work pieces. 
3. Stereo Microscope 
The geometric conditions of stereo microscopes are quite different to usual metric 
cameras. No information about the geometry or a calibration certificate has been 
available. An investigation of the stability, check for reproduction of geometric 
conditions and calibration was necessary. 
In close range applications the camera calibration usually is made with tilted views 
to a flat test field. This is not possible in the case of a stereo microscope. The

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