Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Working Group II/l Analytical Instrument Activities 
ims and of 
prepared by 
Morris L McKenzie 
pplied to 
taken in 
ISPRS Commission II Symposium 
Dresden, GDR 
Sptember 8-12, 1990 
15 to 17, 
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The objectives of ISPRS Working Group II/l includes the 
promotion and dissemination of information on analytical 
instruments through reports, technical meetings, and 
workshops. Over the past 14 years, in an effort to help 
both users and manufacturers, we have put together a packet 
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comprising four components useful in procuring analytical 
instruments : 
o tables of manufacturers, their instruments, and salient 
features of the instruments, 
o standards and specifications for analytical 
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o an analytical stereoplotter evaluation guide, 
o testing procedures for analytical instruments. 
The intent in preparing this packet is to help the 
prospective buyer: the tables are for locating 
manufacturers and instruments of interest for further 
investigation? the standards and specifications are for 
guidance in preparing requests for proposals and contracts? 
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the evaluation guide is for choosing the best-suited 
instrument from among several offered? and finally, the 
testing packet is for evaluating the accuracy of the 
instrument chosen. 
In producing these documents, several considerations 
were observed. The working group operates with incidental 
lich from 
funds now being provided by the American Society of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and by reproduction 
assistance from the organizations of working group members. 
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Therefore, operating costs must be kept low. So far, the 
organizations of members have been generous in assisting us 
and we are grateful.

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