Full text: Application of remote sensing and GIS for sustainable development

Fig. 8. Approach for biomass/productivity estimation (Spectral Response based Modelling) 
Kumar and Monteith, (1982) and others noted that 
vegetation indices and the normalised difference 
vegetation index (N = [I N - 1 R ] / [I N + I R ] ) or simple 
vegetation index (I N /I R ) are approximately linearly 
related to the fraction of the incident photosynthetically 
active radiation (PAR) that is absorbed by the canopy 
(FAPAR). These two relationships can be coupled to 
create a model in which primary productions are related 
to the temporary sums of NDVI by means of a light 
conversion efficiency factor (Prince, 1991). Goward and 
Dye, (1987) have built upon the conceptual framework 
of Monteith (1972) to develop a model of primary 
production, applicable at the regional scale. The model 
utilised for the a study by Roy and Abhineet, (1998) is 
illustrated in Fig. 9. 
NPP = b X(N t S t ) 
Where, NPP = Seasonal production in Kg ha-1; N, = 
Integrated NDVI; S, = Total incident PAR (during time 
interval t); s = Light conversion efficiency (gC/unit 
People leaving in the modern democracies are 
essentially safeguarded from harm by free flow of 
information. Unfortunately, there are serious problems 
of a dual society. Information rarely reaches to those 
people who end up suffering the impact of environ 
mental degradation due to lop sided development. Hence 
‘right to information’ should be a fundamental right, 
enshrined in a legally binding entity so that any 
company, government agency or multi-lateral insti 
tutions can be forced to release any information relating 
to its own activities or of its subsidiaries or associated 
institutions, which threatens peoples health or environ 
ment. The effective use of remote sensing and space 
technology will provide timely, accurate and duly 
calibrated information which can lend requisite edge to 
every sector. 
The right to survive with a certain modicum of

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