International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 7-4-3 W6, Valladolid, Spain, 3-4 June, 1999
acquisition times of images to be interpreted. Images acquired
simultaneously - eventually from different sensors - are
collected in a sensor group. All sensor groups are sorted in their
chronological order to ease the proper administration of the
image sequence.
During the interpretation process, the state transition diagram is
used by a new inference rule. Analysis starts with the first image
of the given sequence marked with time stamp tj. If a state of the
state transition diagram can be instantiated completely, the
temporal knowledge is used to hypothesize one or more possible
successors of this state for the next image in the chronological
order (time stamp £)• The system selects all successor states that
can be reached within the elapsed time £-(/ according to the
transition times defined in the temporal relations. States which
are selected many times, due to loops in the transition diagram,
are eliminated. The possible successor states are sorted by
decreasing priority so that the most probable state is investigated
first. All hypotheses are treated as competing alternatives
represented in separate leaf nodes of the search tree (see chapter
2.2.). Starting with the alternative of the highest priority, the
hypotheses for the successor state are either verified or rejected in
the current image. For continuous monitoring, the time stamps of
the instances can be used to remove the old nodes of tj.
In the example of Fig. 5, a successor state for the complete
instance of B(tj) is determined which can be reached within a
time step of 14 days. According to the knowledge base of Fig. 4,
the states B, C, and D are possible. The successor B can be
reached either via the loop B-B or via the path B-C-B, but
identical solutions are considered only once. The node C is
Figure 5. Search tree of the interpretation process according to the
knowledge base in Fig. 4: Assuming a time step of 14 days
the possible successor states of B are B, C, or D. Hence, the
search tree splits into three leaf nodes N2(12) to N4(12).
reached via the transition B-C and the successor D by following
the path B-C-D omitting the intermediate state C. All three
possibilities are treated as competing alternatives and the search
tree splits into three leaf nodes. The system prefers the best
judged node according to the possibilistic approach mentioned in
chapter 2.2. If the judgements are similar the alternative of the
highest transition priority is chosen.
5.2. Extraction of an Industrial Fairground
An industrial fairground is an example for a complex structure
detectable by a multitemporal image interpretation only. Using a
single image it would be classified as an industrial area consisting
of a number of halls. The special use of this industrial area can not
be detected from one time instance alone. However, during
several weeks of the year some unnormal activity can be
observed: exhibition booths are constructed, crowds of people
visit the site, and the booths are dismantled again. In aerial
images the different phases can be recognized by full or empty
parking lots, or vehicles or people on the fairground respectively.
This knowledge can be exploited for the automatic extraction of a
fairground and formulated in a semantic net for a multitemporal
image analysis (see Fig. 6). The different states of a fairground
are represented by the concepts Fair Idle, Fair Construction,
Fair Active, and Fair Dismantling. The construction, active and
dismantling phase are transient compared to the state Fair Idle.
Therefore, transition times of four to eight days are defined for
the corresponding temporal relations. Additionally, the node
Fair Idle is looped back to itself.
The analysis starts with the first image of the sequence looking
for an Industrial Area. In the given example, the system searches
for at least three halls and one parking lot. These objects are
represented in the image by regions of special geometric and
radiometric properties. Halls for example are in most cases
right-angled polygons. To verify the hypotheses suitable image
processing algorithms are activated. Segmented regions that
meet best the expectations are chosen, others are rejected. If the
Industrial Area can be instantiated completely, the system tries to
refine the interpretation by exchanging the Industrial Area by a
more special concept. There are four possible specializations
(Fair Idle to Fair Dismantling) and the search tree splits into four
leaf nodes. Each hypothesis is tested in the image data. Normally
any cars are prohibited on the fairground. But during the
construction or dismantling phase there are trucks near the halls
which keep the equipment for the booths. Hence, the system
searches for small bright rectangles close to the halls. An active
fair can be recognized by parking lots filled with cars and - if the
image resolution is sufficient - by persons walking on the
fairground (see images in Fig. 6).
If one of the four states can be verified, the temporal inference is
activated. The system switches to the next image in the sequence
and generates hypotheses for the successor state. According to
the elapsed time and considering the transition times all possible
successors are determined. If for example the time step between
the two images was two weeks, it is possible that Fair Idle
follows immediately after Fair Active omitting the dismantling