International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 7-4-3 W6, Valladolid, Spain, 3-4 June, 1999
This section will focus on estimation of noise variance from
true images. Unlike coherent or systematic disturbances, the
noise is assumed to be due to a completely stochastic process
and, thus, it is not predictable by any deterministic model. Gen
eral solutions for the case of parametric signal-dependent noise
models will be specialized to the particular case of the noise in
troduced by optical imaging sensors. In this latter case, also non-
parametric models based on bit planes will be considered.
2.1 Signal-Dependent Noise Modelling
A general form of signal-dependent noise may be stated as
g(m,n) = f(m,n)-\-f(m,ny-u(m,n) (1)
in which g(m,n) denotes the recorded noisy image value at
pixel position (m,n), f(m,n) the noise-free image value and
u(m, n) a random process, independent of /(m, n), stationary
and uncorrelated, with zero mean and variance a 2 . The term
/(m, n) 7 • u(m, n) represents the signal-dependent noise contri
bution (Kuan, 1985).
This model is capable of describing many physical phenomena
originating from different noise models in digital images, through
its exponent 7; usually, 0 < 7 < 1. Multiplicative, or speckle,
noise (Goodman, 1976) is a limit case of signal-dependent noise,
in which the amplitude of the noise term is proportional to the
value of the noise-free signal having nonzero mean. It can be
achieved with 7=1. Film-grain noise is a signal-dependent
noise in which the amplitude of the noise term is generally taken
to be proportional either to the square root (7 = 1/2) or to the
cubic root (7 = 1/3) of the optical density (Naderi, 1978). Even
tually, for 7 = 0, the model (1) reduces to plain additive signal-
independent noise.
2.2 Parametric Noise Estimation
2.2.1 7 and a u both unknown: Log-scatter-plot Method
Unless known from “a priori” information about the imaging
system and/or process, like for speckle in radar and ultrasound
systems, the exponent 7 need be estimated together with the noise
standard deviation a u . To this end, let us calculate the variance
of (1):
crg(m,n) « cr 2 (m,n)(l+7 2 cr 2 )+/x 27 (ra,n) ■ a 2 u (2)
in which pf(m,n) denotes the space-varying mean of / and
equals that of g: pf(m, n) = p g (m, n), from (1). The approxi
mation stems from the variance of / 7 which is replaced by 7 s cr/.
Out of the two terms on the right-hand of (2), the former is domi
nant in textured areas and null in homogeneous areas; conversely,
the latter is negligible in high-signal areas. By considering these
two effects separately and by taking the logarithms of both mem
bers, one obtains:
log a g (m,n) « 7 • log p g (m,n) + logcr u (3)
log cr g (m, n) « logo7(m,n) + ^log(l + 7 2 -cr 2 ) (4)
Equation (3) yields an estimate of 7, namely 7, as the regression
coefficient of the scatter-plot of log a g versus log p g , calculated
in homogeneous areas. The value in which the regression straight
line crosses the ordinate axis corresponds to the term log <r u , from
which an estimate of a u , o u , may be straightforwardly obtained.
In order to overcome the drawback of manually identifying ho
mogeneous areas, an automatic procedure was developed, based
on considerations that such areas tend to produce clusters of
points on the log-scatter-plot, which are aligned along the regres
sion straight line. The log-scatter-plot plane is partitioned into a
number of rectangular blocks, say, 100 x 100. Such blocks are
sorted and labeled for decreasing number of points. Thus, the
first blocks are those which are the most populated. A succes
sion of regression lines, corresponding to a succession of 7s and
one of <t u s, is calculated on the points lying inside an increas
ing number of blocks in the log-scatter-plot. Thus, the first term
of the succession is calculated on the most dense block, the sec
ond on the two most dense blocks, and so on. The succession
attains the true values after a number of terms, which depends on
the actual percentage of homogeneous points. A stop criterion
was devised based on that the 7 is almost always underestimated
throughout the succession. Thus, the maximum of the 7, or better
the median of three or five of the maxima, is chosen in order to
reject possible outliers. The first terms of the succession, say 1%,
are always discarded because of statistical fluctuations due to the
small sample.
2.2.2 Estimation of o u with known 7: Scatter-plot Method
Whenever the 7 is otherwise known, e.g. from a model of the
imaging process, the standard deviation of the modelled signal-
dependent noise (2) may be stated in homogeneous areas as
(T g (m,n) = cr u • p] (m, n) (5)
Thus, (5) yields an estimate of a u , namely a u , either as the
slope, or as the origin ordinate of the regression line drawn on
the scatter-plot of <r g versus /x 7 and calculated in homogeneous
areas. The former case holds when 7 / 0 and the line passes
through the origin. In the latter case, 7 = 0 and the slope is zero
as well. The block strategy can be still used to estimate the a u .
2.2.3 Estimation of a u with known 7: Histogram Method
If the 7 is known, both members of (2) may be divided by
/x 27 (m, n) to yield:
oj(m,n) _ o-/ 7 (m,n)(l +7 2 crg) 2
pi 1 (m, n) pp(m,n)
Again, for homogeneous areas, in which 07(771,71) = 0, (6)
yields the noise variance a 2 . In practice, the ensemble statistics
in (6) are replaced with the local spatial statistics and 07 (to, n) f
0. It can be noticed, however, that the left-hand term of (6) always
exhibits a unimodal distribution whose mode is roughly indepen
dent of image texture. Therefore, the real valued mode, which
can be extrapolated from a smoothed version of the histogram,
will yield an estimate, a 2 , of the value of cr 2 .
In the case of additive noise independent of the signal, which is
mostly encountered in such imagers as air-borne and space-borne
multi-spectral scanners, both scatter-plot and histogram methods
are available to estimate the unique parameter o u . Also non-
parametric methods can be devised, especially to improve the
confidence of results found otherwise.