International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
Sri Yudawati Cahyarini (1), Siti Rochimah (2)
(1) Magister student of Geodesy Dept, Bandung Institute of Technology and Staff of Geotechnology R & D Centre, Indonesian Institute of
Sciences, Komplek LIPI Sangkuriang Gd.70 Bandung 40135 Indonesia , ph. 62-22-2503654, fax. 62-22-2504593,
(2) Department of Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl.Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia, ph.62-22-2508135, fax. 62-22-
Coral reefs give many advantages for human being since their ecosystem is the most productive area in the oceans. The present status
of coral reef in Indonesia required great concern. Good management of Indonesian coral reefs will be needed to keep the ecosystem
from damage. Information about Indonesian coral reef management tends to be separated, collected in different scales with different
parameters, stored at different locations and difficult to access. The support of information technology gives an alternative solution to
reduce those problems. The paper discusses the importance of information technology for coral reef management in Indonesia.
The coral reef ecosystem is a marine ecosystem that involves
different kinds of habitat. Coral reef ecosystems give many
advantages for human beings because the ecosystem is the most
productive area in the oceans. Economically coral reefs supply
fish which are used as foods, and beach sand resources which
are used as building materials. It also can be used for
pharmaceutical industry and beach protection. The coral reef
ecosystem is also a beautiful place in the world and it is very
important for tourism.
In Indonesia, millions of people depend on the reef for food and
livelihood. As much as 90% of animal protein consumed comes
from marine resources (IUCN,1993). Tire potential sustainable
yield of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs from the coral reef
could be some 10%-12%, which is around 9 millions ton of the
world fisheries catch. The present status of coral reefs in
Indonesia requires a great concern. Only 6,41% of the reef areas
are in excellent condition (Suharsono, 1998). Most of the
damage coral reef is from human effect. Uncontrolled used of
the coral reef ecosystem leads to rapidly increasing damage.
Figure 1 shows the human activity that caused faster damage on
coral reef.
Figure 1. Coral mining activity which could make
faster damage on coral reef, (photo by Fadil)
Protecting coral reef from their damage, Indonesia government
launch Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Programs,
which is aimed to manage the sustainable utilization of coral
reef resources in order to increase the prosperity. The program
involved five components i.e locally based management,
enforcement and policy coor-dination, human resources
develop-ment and institutional strengthening, information and
research, and public awareness. Besides, Indonesia has also
established marine protected area, including coral reef
conservation, sanctuary and marine park. In the national level,
Indonesia has established a number of regulation and policy
which is related to marine and coastal resources ma- nagement.
One important aspect in marine and coastal resources
management is coral reef management. It means protection and
sustainable utilization of coral reefs and associated ecosystems
in the long term, with improving the welfare of coastal
communities. This will be needed to reduce destructive effect
on coral reef from their damage. Successful coral reef
management requires development of cooperation purpose
between sectoral institution, private sector and community
groups to achieve one objective in utilization of the coral reef.
The government institutions play a key role in management
since they develop the policies that related in coral reef
protection and utilization. Thus, developmg coordinated
policies, and also administrative arrangements will be required
by government mstitutions. This will be achieved through well-
distributed, coral reef information. The present information for
coral reef management still tends to be separated, collected in
different scales, and with different parameters, stored at
different locations and difficult to access. It will need to be
integrated to achieve the successful management of coral reef.