Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

XTME : An editor for formal metadata 
cns : A pre-parse for formal metadata. 
Figure 3. The illustration of metadata creation 
3. Development of Web Access for Thematic 
The last step for developing the system, is 
arranging all of the information in a readily accessible 
web system. All of the information were stored and 
connected to each other using the macro language of 
visual basic. The system is run under Windows NT 
Server with the following software: 
a) Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 
b) Visual graphic software for graphical and 
searching data 
c) Frontpages express 98 for ancillary information 
d) Adobe page miller 3.0 for ancillary information 
e) Adobe photoshop or PainshopPro version 5.0 
f) Microsoft Access 97 for database model. 
The illustration of the web system can be seen in Figure 4 

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