Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

Metadata Browsed Graphic Shape File 
Figure 4. Illustration of building the web pages 
The illustration of web pages for thematic database can 
be seen in the appendices. It obviously seen that the on 
line thematic database provides, at least, four advantages 
for the users: 
1. The integrated design of database allows cooperation 
with other institution dealing with the thematic data 
2. The data standardization makes data exchange can 
easily performed among users. 
3. The system can be accessed anytime by users in 
remote location 
4. The cost can be minimized by allowing web access 
to the data 
The on-line thematic database system is proven to be a 
feasible system to facilitate the information for users in 
the whole world. This system is readily accessible to the 
users, cut the budget and time for having the dataset. 
Even, the system allows sharing and cooperation with 
many institutions in digital thematic maps. However, the 
development of the system needs a great amount of 
investment. Indeed, this system may need lot of 
improvement to accommodate the various users and 
institutions who need for digital thematic map 

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