International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
Full Professor, DIIAR Director
Raffaella BRUM AN A
E-mail: brumanar@
3 nd year Course of Doctorate
DIIAR Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica Ambientale e del Rilevamento - Sezione Rilevamento
Politecnico di Milano Leonardo da Vinci 32 - 20133 Milano
Commission VI, Working Group VI/3
The President of ESAS is the Professor Roberto Schmid, which is the Chancellor of the University of Pavia, one of the most ancient
university in Italy, the Director is the Professor GianPaolo Calvi of the University of Pavia, Faculty of Engineering, DIET
Department of Ingegneria Edile e del Territorio .
KEY WORD: GIS, Survey, Cultural Heritage, Teaching Experience.
The research here related is the result of the Cooperation of the DIIAR Department of the Politecnico of Milan to the European
School of Advanced Studies, ESAS : in the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori in Pavia has been set up the ESAS, School of
Excellence, in the Conservation of the Historical and Architectonic Heritage (CPSA) 1 .
The course has been organized for the first year in 500 hours lesson and 200 practical lesson (full time). At the Course are admitted
graduated students in Architecture, in Engineering, and Humanistic Science which want to increase their knowledge and which want
to work in the field of the Conservation of the Cultural and Historical Heritage; but the Course is also offered to graduated
professional man and woman, to whom in the Public Administration (from local government, municipality, province, region, to
national government, Ministerial Offices of Cultural Heritage, Local Monuments and Fine Arts Offices) attend at the conservation
and environmental protection and want to specialize themselves in the disciplines involved in the intervention on the territory and on
the architectural manufacts. The ESAS took place in the DIET Department of the University of Pavia.
The School is particularly focused on the methodology of survey and management of qualitative, descriptive and quantitative data
which come from the different analysis carried out on the manufacts: among the subjects there is the topographic survey,
photogrammetric survey of the architecture, Cad to support the representation and 3D modelling of the objects, Geographic
Information System for the Cultural Heritage, integrated survey methodologies and not destructive analysis. Cataloguing of the
Cultural Heritage.
The works here presented are the result of the teaching and of the Stage (two months) which took place in the DIIAR Department:
the works are reproduced on a CD support and has been exposed in the closing ceremony. The activity of the students during this
period has been focused on the survey and representation of the Gastello Visconteo of Pavia. The topics are divided in two fields: the
first field is represented by the survey and representation, the related subjects are the topographic project and survey of networks to
support the different phases of a survey, the use of lot of the advanced methodology and technology, topographic survey of vertical
section and surfaces of the manufacts with total station no prism, the data acquisition to support digital photogrammetric restitution
(photogrammetric takens acquired by metric and semimetric cameras, and not calibrated cameras, digital and not), the data
processing (photogrammetric restitution, simplified methodology of survey). The second is the data management to support the
phases of the project of conservation and of the Cataloguing of the monuments or objects in the museum: it has been used GIS
technology to support both these fields applied from the architectural scale (to support the analysis of the material, the analysis of
the degree, the metric computation of the intervention, the verify of the standard limits admitted by the low in the re-use project,...) to
the urban scale to support the production of the map of the risk of the Cultural, Architectonic Heritage.