Full text: Special UNISPACE III volume

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III. Vienna. 1999 
UNISPACE ffl - ISPRS/EARSeL Workshop on 
“Remote Sensing for the Detection, Monitoring 
and Mitigation of Natural Disasters ” 
2:30-5:30 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B 
Vienna, Austria 
The applications and the thematic projects reviewed above 
show the operationnality of remote sensing and GIS in several 
domains, allowing to study and monitor separately the main 
aspects of the desertification phenomenon related to the 
deterioration of natural resources : soil, vegetation and water 
(Tablel). The integration of these sectorial results proves to 
be necessary', for 
developing a system dedicated to desertification. 
The DIS (Fig.l) could be designed conceptually as a system 
integrating various types of information in input in order to 
extract several valuable documents in output. This 
information, emanating from different sources, should be 
homogenized, standardized and easily accessible to assure its 
integration in the DIS. 
Many' technical (national action plans), legislative and 
financial arrangements were adopted in order to reduce the 
desertification hazards, but the realizations remain limited in 
the face of the demograpliic increase and the complexity of the 
The desertification phenomenon is complex as much by the 
related components as by its time and space dimension. It 
threatens close to 92% of the national territory and appears as 
deforestation, overgrazing, water and wind erosion, and 
It has been demonstrated that remote sensing and GIS are 
operational for monitoring desertification components, at local 
level (for natural resources assessment), at regional and 
national levels (for environmental indicators monitoring). 
Desertification monitoring requires also the development of a 
DIS incorporating sectorial thematic applications, auxiliary 
data and the modelling of desertification processes. The DIS 
will provide management scenarios for affected areas and key 
tools to support the decision making. The proposed scenarios 
for the fight against desertification should be evaluated and 
executed by order of priority with a view of sustainable 
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Bensouda K., T., 1995. Mise en oeuvre de la Convention des 
Nations-Unies de Lutte Contre la Désertification. Journées 
d’information et de sensibilisation, Rabat. Revue Agriculture 
et Environnement, pp. 53-64. 
El Hadani, D., 1997. Télédétection et Systèmes d'information 
Géographique pour la gestion et la recherche de l’eau, Les 
rapports thématiques, 28 p.. 
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pierreuses dans la région d’El Jadida. Rapport final relatif au 
Projet Pilote Télédétection II, 40 p.. 
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