Full text: Special UNISPACE III volume

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna, 1999 
“Environment and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development” 
9:00 am -12:00 pm, 23 July 1999, VIC Room A 
Vienna, Austria 
In addition to the commercial ventures which are investing 
hundreds of millions of dollars governments around the 
world are spending collectively billions a year developing 
and operating national and civil satellites. In aggregate, the 
global remote sensing market, is in the range of multi-billions 
It is important to note, however, that only a few commercial 
sensor platforms are expected over the next decade while the 
pyramid expands rapidly due to the multiple markets that can 
use the same base information products. Information has the 
unique attribute of being expandable and non-linear (i.e. 
single source feeds multiple uses). In a digital form it is easy, 
quick, and increasingly affordable to transport information in 
electronic or media form. 
If the COPUOS is to produce meaningful direction for the 
remote sensing industry, it must do so recognizing the 
information industry trends in relation to the remote sensing 
industry. The next sections take a quick look at some of the 
most significant trends as they affect the development of the 
commercial remote sensing business. 
At what rate is Earth information “content” being 
Today, a single satellite like IKONOS (Figure 1) is capable 
of collecting Earth information at a staggering rate of over 
100 million (mega) pixels per second. At this rate IKONOS 
is capable of filling a 10-15 terabyte digital archive in less 
than three montlis. For reference: the U.S. Library of 
Congress, with its 10 million volumes of books, if digitized, 
would be storable in that archive, a space today occupying 
less than 10 cubic meters. For IKONOS, imagery at 1 meter, 
the habitable world is about 100 tera pixels. This imagery, 
compressed with a nearly lossless algorithm, can be stored in 
two such mass storage units referenced above, i.e. about 25- 
30 terabytes. Equally dramatic and significant is the 
realization that since the 1960s the rate of remote sensing 
data collection and transmission has increased by about a 
factor of 10 every decade. 
The ITU at WARC ’97 helped ensure tins growth by taking a 
positive step in authorizing the 25.5 - 27.0 Ghz spectrum for 
future use by next generation remote sensing systems. The 
ITU is to be applauded for its forward planning action at 
WARC ’97. By 2010 it is reasonable to assume data rate 
increases of 5 to 10 times (through a combination of 
bandwidth efficient modulation techniques and greater 
bandwidth allocations). Such rates will result in reducing the 
time to fill the 10-15 terabyte archive from about 10-12 
weeks to once a week for a single satellite. When all satellite 
sources are considered, it is clear that a deluge of 
data/information is occurring. 
The truly demanding challenge becomes one of applying 
information technology to service the demand side, i.e.. the 
base of the information “pyramid” versus aerospace 
technology which promotes the supply-side, vertex, of the 
pyramid. Limited by information “exploitation” systems and 
technology, the remote sensing industry advancement, both 
nationally and commercially, will be limited if such 
processing, exploitation and information management 
systems are not rapidly developed. The promotion of user 
application tools, techniques, and technologies is where the 
UN can take a leadership position in advancing the concept 
of Program Information Applications (PIA) in developing 
conn tries. 
What cost to store, process, and disseminate information? 
A key economic factor in the commercialization of remote 
sensing is the continuing and rapid decline in the cost of 
storage and the computer processors. Today, it is possible to 
store data at a cost approaching a $1 per gigabyte. Processors 
running at 400-500 Mhz are in the range of $1-2,000: even 
high end pixel processing intensive computers are available 
as workstations, desktop “appliances”, for under $5,000. 
Soon, Gliz speed PCs will be available and will compete 
with these “high-end", $5,000 workstations. This computer 
industry trend has been characterized by Moore’s “Law” 
vvliich forecasts a redoubling of performance to price every 
18-24 montlis. This trend has been consistent since the days 
Similarly, data transmission costs have been dropping rapidly 
over the decades as both electronic dissemination costs and 
media (tape, disks) costs have dropped from $l,000’s per 
gigabyte in the 1970s Lo today about $1 - 10 per gigabyte for 
media recordings and surface “transmission” costs. When 
wide-band, bandwidth on demand, telecommunication 
systems arrive and transmission costs approach $1-10 per 
gigabyte, more and more remote sensing data will move 
electronically via terrestrial (fiber) and space communication 
The entire world will continue to benefit from such 
advancement if proper planning, promotion, and expenditures 
are encouraged and funded. Here is where data fonnats and 
standards are most useful - at the back-end of an open 
information system. The UN should promote such back-end 
standardization, and application specific hardware, software, 
and analytic information tools. Information manufacturing 
will be a specialty trade leveraging aerospace and high end 
computer processing teclinology while information 
engineering will leverage the new domain of information 
sciences and technologies to address the end users’ needs. 
Cost of goods/price of goods are critically 
dependent on the resolution of the information. 
Some new thinking is required here. 
Now we come to the interesting matter of cost. If the “pixel” 
is envisioned as the information atom, then as the atom size 
gets smaller, the cost of producing the smaller atom 
increases. This is actually a very basic physics concept that 
drives the system economics and for which a “cold fusion” 
solution has not been discovered nor likely to be soon. To 
first order then, the cost/price increases as the square area of 
the pixel decreases; not quite as a 1/square pixel area, but not 
too far off this relation. As better technology is available, the 
cost per unit area at increasing resolution will go down just 
like the cost of goods of communication bandwidth. For most 
remote sensing (space and aerial), the critical metric is the 
cost per megapixel; in communication systems it is cost per 
megahertz (bits). For 1 meter imagery the cost is in the range 
of $25-75 per square kilometer or, since a square kilometer 
equals a megapixel, (at 1 meter pixel size), $25-75 per 
megapixel. Since compression of pixel to bits relates

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