Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

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CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
differentiate every separate structural element of one facade 
from the others, by assigning to it the codes of the structural set 
that it belongs to (if it belongs to one) and the codes of the 
structural zone and section that it belongs to. In this way every 
stone or brick of the outer walls is univocally defined, meaning 
that it can be easily retrieved according to specific location' 
attribute criteria during the spatial querying process. 
The necessary properties assigned to Structural_Zones and 
Structural_Sections entities are the identification number which 
is unique for each different entity and its name. Except for the 
id property, which was also assigned to the other two main 
entities (Structural_Elements, Structural_Set), several more 
were needed in order to fully specify them. 
For the entity of Structural_Set, ‘Set_type’, ‘Location_id’ and 
‘Ser_num’ were the extra properties specified. The ‘Ser_num’ 
field refers to the serial number which is assigned to a structural 
set in order to differentiate it from others similar to it belonging 
to the same Structural Zone and Structural Section while the 
‘Set_type’ and ‘Location_id’ fields serve as foreign keys and 
particularly describe the type and the orientation of a certain 
structural set. By means of these two fields Structural_Set table 
will be related to complementary subtables containing that kind 
of information during the procedure of logical design. The 
necessary complementary subtables for the table of 
“Structural_Set” are “Location” and “SetType” as it is shown 
in the E_R diagram in Figure 2. 
For the entity of Structural_Elements ‘Elem_Type’, ‘Facade’, 
‘PartSef, ‘Elem_Row’, ‘Dimensions’, ‘Ser_Num’, 
‘Deterioration’, ‘Processing’, ‘Texture’ and ‘Joint’ were the 
extra properties specified. These fields except for ‘Elem_Row’, 
Ser_Num’ and ‘Dimensions’ also serve as foreign keys and will 
be used for the interrelation of tables. The fields ‘Elem_Row’ 
and ‘Ser_Num’ refer to the serial number that is assigned to a 
structural element belonging at a certain element row, given 
that the outer walls of the monument consist of distinct rows of 
stones and bricks. In the 
case of an element belonging to a structural set, for example a 
window and at a certain part of it (relief arc) the previous fields 
(‘ElemRow’, ‘Ser_Num’) remain blank while a distinct code is 
inserted in the field ‘Part_Set’ corresponding to a 
complementary subtable storing the different parts of Structural 
set. The interrelation between the main tables and subtables 
takes place during the logical design procedure. While the main 
and secondary entities can be affectively viewed and 
understood in the E-R diagram. 
Slightly different is the structure of the E-R model for the 
internal part of the church, due to the mosaics and the frescos. 
So, there are two additional conceptual entities: the 
‘Departments’ (the different main parts of the church that are 
shown at each section plan) and the ‘Saints’ (the mosaics and 
the frescos). 
The database logical implementation which takes place inside 
the DBMS software used (MS Access 2000®) is highly 
dependent on the spatial analysis as was mentioned before. 
Spatial analysis procedure takes place in the context of the GIS 
software used (AutoCad Map 2000i®) during which the 
separation of the vector drawings to thematic levels is achieved. 
In addition, the basic thematic levels (Structural_Elements, 
Structural_Set, Structural_Sections, StructuralZones, 
Departments and Saints) of topological information were 
specified and directly connected to the above database structure 
in order to enable the interrelations of the information contents 
and also their relation to the position of the objects in space. 
Figure 3 shows a section with vector (masonry) and raster 
(orthoimages of mosaics and frescos) information. 
For the easier data acquisition, which may include both quality 
characteristics of the various elements, and images, texts, video 
and sound, special forms are compiled and appear at AutoCAD 
Map environment (Anastasiou et al, 1998). Figure 4 shows such 
a form filled out for a particular mosaic, including a descriptive 
text and a digital image of the icon. 
Figure 3. Longitudinal section of the Katholikon including orthoimages of the mosaics and the existing elements of the 

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