Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
The data base developed has confronted the monument and the 
related pieces of information in a unique way. Its design and 
realization are an initial attempt to this important issue. It is 
believed that, although a lot of considerations and analyses took 
place, thorough investigation of all parameters is still needed. 
The rational data base design is unquestionably of utmost 
importance. At the same time special care has been given to the 
kind, the hierarchy and, of course, the interrelations of the 
contained pieces of information. 
The realization of such a data base with these specifications 
leads to the possibility of recovering information and properties 
about the monument with speed and also with the ability to 
relate them to the space of the monument and to themselves. It 
is up to the users to make good use of these possibilities, but 
also to re-specify the data base design according to their needs. 
For the finalization of the data base structure, it should be put to 
thorough practical tests for some time. In this way, the 
necessary feedback for completing the information fields will 
take place. 
Smars, P., 2001. Layered Geometric Information System. In: 
The CIPA International Archives for Documentation of Cultural 
Heritage, Vol. XVIII, pp. 462-468. 
Anastasiou, A., Chatziparasidis, N., 1998. Documentation of 
Frescoes - Implementation in the Monastery of Koroni. 
Diploma Thesis, Laboratory of Photogrammetry, School of 
Rural & Surveying Engineering, NTUA (in Greek). 
Cooper, M.A.R., Robson, S., 1994. A hierarchy of 
photogrammetric records for archaeological and architectural 
history. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing. 49(5), pp. 31-37. 
Delinikolas, N., Miltiadou-Fezans, A., 2000. Preliminary study 
for the construction materials and the construction method of 
the Katholikon of Dafni Monastery and a Proposal for 
sampling. Ministry of Culture, Direction of Restoration of 
Byzantine Monuments (in Greek). 
Iliopoulou, Ch., 2001. Documentation of a monument using a 
GIS - Implementation in the Katholikon of the Dafni Monastery. 
Diploma Thesis, Laboratory of Photogrammetry, School of 
Rural & Surveying Engineering, NTUA (in Greek). 
Ioannidis, Ch., Potsiou, C., Badekas, .1., 1992. A Special 
Information System for the Documentation of Castles. In: The 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Washington D.C., U.S.A., Vol. 29. Part B5, pp. 287-291. 
Ioannidis, Ch., Chlepa, E., 1999. Spatial Information System 
for the Geometric Documentation and Restoration Studies of 
Monuments: An application to the Wall of Ancient Messene. 
In: The International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, ISPRS Working Group V/5, V/2 Join Workshop, 
Thessaloniki, Greece, Vol. 32, Part 5W11, pp. 203-209. 
Karkanis, M„ 2001. Implementation of GIS in the complete 
documentation of Monuments - The case of the eastern façade 
of the Katholikon of the Dafni Monaster)’. Diploma Thesis, 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry, School of Rural & Surveying 
Engineering. NTUA (in Greek).

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