Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
A Rollei Value A 
and Self 
(micron) (pixel) 
0 0 
2 0 
3 0 
4 0 
4 0 
4 0 
3 0 
1 0 
1 0 
1 0 
0 0 
5 1 
16 2 
35 4 
Table 5. The different value of radial distortion 
It turns out demonstrate to you as between the curve of 
distortion supplied from the constructor for the used prototype 
of camera and that calculated a posteriori, substantial 
superimposition is one. 
2.1 3D digital orthophoto at scale 1:1 of the mosaic surface 
of the S. Marcus Basilica in Venice 
The problems lie in the conservative restoration done on the 
floor which require a 3D reproduction to a 1:1 scale, in order to 
identify and replace damaged parts, as well as to install them 
while maintaining the characteristic altimétrie irregularities, 
typical of the floor. It is clear that a strictly "plane" floor would 
not reflect the historic value to which we are accustomed . 
Here then, we have a modellation using a 3D orthophoto and 
an automatic extraction with altimétrie profiles for constructing 
templates to a 1:1 scale of the mosaic floor (measuring about 
2000 m2). The object of application of the techniques proposed 
which must measure up to the economic and scientific aspects. 
In the practical application it is proceeded in order is made 
successive that they have carried to the construction of 
following catalogues of data: 
the archives of the photographic images realized with the 
camera Rollei DB44metric with characteristic following, 
height 2.2m, covering to floor of 2m longitudinal, covering 
60% and cross-sectional covering 10%; 
the archives of the GCP to use in the phase of support of 
the Aerial Triangolation; 
the archives of the points of level used like control 
the archives of scansions Laser in order to test a 
comparison between speed of execution of the measure and 
utilizzabiltà of the data; 
generation of DTM by means of process of 
photogrammetric auto-correlation comparison between the 
DTM produced by means of laser scanner and model for 
verification and comparison with the sections type; 
creation of the 3D digital orthophoto of the pavement. 
As far as the first point the center of the basilica has been found 
completely and a meaningful champion of some photograms is 
itself chosen (13) in order to carry out the sampling. 
Figure 7. Particular of the zone interested from the research, 
with the model laser of the pavement and one crawled of photo 
For the generation of a model 3D of the mosaics it has been 
used the laser scanner Mensi GS100, whose technical 
characteristics are: 
2- 100m 
scanning speed 
up to 5000 points per second 
standard deviation 
angular resolution 
spot size 
3mm at 50m 
From cloud of points therefore finds has been created one 
surface GRID with step 2mm. 
For the phase of Aerial Triangolation of (2 strips with a total of 
13 photos) has been used the software APEX.

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