Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
In the following two different applications for 
cultural heritage applications are demonstrated 
using both systems: 
Figure 5: Colour image of panoramic camera 
Castle in Sweden: 
In the next example the inside of a castle in 
Sweden (Stockholm) had been scanned and 
surveyed by using the Z+F IMAGER 5003 and 
the Panoramic Camera. The task was to survey 
some rooms in the castle and make a 3D colour 
model as well as orthophotos for documentation 
Figure 6: Reflectance Image (section) 
Figure 7: Panoramic Image (section) 
The surveying was performed in less than one 
day and the modelling afterwards took approx. 
1 week. Especially the superimposing of colour 
information was quite hard, as the requirement 
was to have not even a single hidden area. 
Therefore not only with the modelling but also 
with the surveying it was really important to 
scan every small detail. 
Figure 6 and 7 show the measured raw data of 
the Z+F IMAGER 5003 (Figure 1) and of the 
DLR camera (Figure 2). 
Figure 8: Orthophoto of one wall in castle 
These information are combined and result in 
both the orthophoto shown in Figure 8 and the 
3D colour point cloud in Figure 9, super 
imposed from measurements of the IMAGER 
and the DLR camera. 
Figure 9: 3D Colour point cloud 
Castle Neuschwanstein: 
In the next example the inside of the castle 
Neuschwanstein had been scanned and sur 
veyed by using the Z+F IMAGER 5003 and the 
Panoramic Camera (DLR).

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