Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

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Ferruh YILDIZ 3 , Hakan KARABÔRK a ,Murat YAKAR 3 , H.Murat YILMAZ b , Lütfiye ALP a 
a University Selcuk, Enginering Faculty, Dept. Of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Kampus, Konya,Turkey —(fyildiz, 
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karabork, yakar, lalp)@selcuk.edu.tr 
b University Nigde, Aksaray Enginering Faculty, Dept. Of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Kampus, Aksaray, Turkey - 
Keyword : Digital Photogrammetry, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Archaeology, 
Culturel Heritage, History 
Tonyukuk Monuments are located on the upper side of Tola river in Bayn Tsydo area in Mongolia. The monuments consist of statues 
and two inscription with four faces which were constructed by Bilga Tonyukuk in (732-734 ?) who was the vizier of 11. Kokturk 
Inscriptions of Bilga Tonyukuk and statues in monument are drawn by photogrammetric methods. Photographs are taken with Rollei 
D7 digital camera and Leica R5 optic camera. Additionally, the ground control points are measured by Sokkisha Power Set 2000 
Total Station. Pictran and Photomodeller software are used on photogrammetric restitution and drawing of these statues and 
inscriptions. All restitution results obtained from this study are submitted to the Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TICA). 
Root mean square of the ground control points are computed as m x = illTim , m z = ¿1mm , m y = ¿2 mm . 
ods for the 
d Remote 
l. introuction m x = ± 1 mm , m z = ±lmm, m y =±2mm. The 
Tonyukuk monument was constructed by Bilga Tonyukuk who calibrated paramétrés of Leica R5 50 camera are 
was a vizier of II. Kokturk Khan in (732-734?). Tonyukuk 
monument was located on the upper side of Tola river in Bayn a ~ image coordinates of principal point 
inalyse fur 
:r g- 
Tsydo area in Mongolia. The monument consist of man- 
statues,two inscription, altar-table being andomamented stone, x o = 0.013 mm ; y 0 =0.065 mm 
floors, tiles, bricks and clays. Inscriptions have four side. 
Historical events of Kokturk State Period were described in b- focal lenght 
Bilga Tonyukuk inscriptions. According to inscriptions, events 
i geometric 
rchives of 
, Part 5, p. 
in Kokturk State Period were tranferred from past to present. c=-50.696 mm. 
Other parts in the monument also transfer some information to 
culture and civilization of Kokturk State Period. Two The calibrated paramétrés of Rollei D7 digital camera are 
inscriptions were spoiled, abrasioned and spilled. Other parts in 
Bilga Tonyukuk monument were seriously destructed. a_ image coordinates of principal point 
über alpine 
p. 107-110. 
The project of Turk Monument in Mongolia was started with 
the agreement between Turkish Republic State and Mongolia x„= -0.170 mm ; y o =0.260 mm 
State.This task was taken on Turkish International Cooperation 
Agency(TICA). The aim of this study is to obtain the b- focal lenght 
Zelger, F., 
photogrammetric rolove which work of arts in Bilga Tonyukuk 
Monument displayed on present status. The work of c=7.520mm. 
photogrammetric rolove display a support for restoration works. 
)bject: 3D- 
im the 18 th 
ry, Remote 
<XIV, Part 
Besides, these work of arts are determined the present status of 
monument before it was trasferred into museum which was 3. APPLICATION 
built about 500 m distance. 
Ground control points were marked by an appropriate number 
2. MATERIAL and METHOD for bundle adjustment and covering on all side. The photographs 
were taken from about 2 m distance. The points which could be 
von Franz 
Gorund control points were selected on side of work of arts and transformed from ground coordinate system to surface 
measured for photogrammetric restitution. Triangulation points, coordinate system on side were selected and measured for 
which were established before in order to obtain topography fixing of surface coordinate system(Fig.l). Photogrammetric 
map, were used for this task. Ground control points marked on restitution of inscriptions were evaluated by Pictran 
side were measured by Sokkisha Power Set 2000 Total Station. software(Fig.2). Photogrammetric restitution of statues was 
p Qnpr ri >fWtr>r «ne ncf»H fnr mcaenrpmpnt nf nnint nn determined by Photomodeller software. As a result of 
ruction of 
in. Institute 
1 apCr rGIlGClOr WaS USCC1 IOF rnCdoUrCITlCni U1 bCICGLCU pUlIlL UII uviviiumvu 
side. Photographs were taken with Rollei D7 digital camera and photogrammetric restitution, drawing of all objects were 
Leica R5 optic camera. Photogrammetric restitution was transferred into Autocad(Fig.3) (Pig.4). 
determined by Pictran software(Technet Gmbh,Germany) and 
Photomodeller software. Distance precision of measurement by 
ent of GIS 
sing, Vol. 
Sokkisha Power Set 2000 Total station is m s =±(4 mm+3ppm.D) 
and precision of angle is ±l cc as dictated by user manuel. Root 
mean square of the ground control points are computed as

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