Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

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The Internationa] Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Volume XXXn, Part 6W7 
ISPRS WG VI/3 International Cooperation and Technology Transfer 
Table of Contents 
Foreword III 
Table of Contents V 
Compte-rendu of the WG VI/3 Mariano Cunietti Memorial Meeting in Parma, by Mojca Kosmatin Fras XI 
Compte-rendu of the WG VI/3 High Level Tutorial in Bandung, by Fahmi Amhar XV 
Compte-rendu of the WG VI/3 Luigi Solaini 10 th Anniversary Memorial Symposium in Cotonou, 
by Luigi Mussio XVII 
Opening XX 
Closure XX 
Welcome addresses XXI 
Opening XXV 
Closure XXV 
Padua,, Bahia Blanca, Perugia, Parma, Bandung and Cotonou Meetings - List of Participants XXVI 
ISPRS WG VI/3 - List of Correspondent Members XIX 
Achilli V., Barison F., Vettore A. 1 
Virtual Reality (VR) Applied to Environment Representations: Some Examples at 
University of Padua (Italy) 
Achilli V., Borgstrom S., Capone M., Del Gaudio C, De Martino P., Klees R., Ricciardi G.P., Ricco 
C, Sepe V., Usai S., Vettore A. 6 
Surveying Methodologies in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Naples - Italy) 
Al-Bayari O., Barbarella M., Fazio C. 13 
Integration of GPS and Conventional Surveying for Positioning of the Mobile Phone 
Antennae in a Local System 
Albertella A, Migliaccio F., Sansò F. 21 
The Spacewise Approach to the Data Treatment for the SAGE Mission Project 
Albery E., Rinaudo F. 26 
Data and Metadata - A New Concept in Archiving Architectural Data 
Aminti P., Chiaverini L, Ostimi D. 31 
Notes about Topographic and Photogrammetric Surveying for the Investigation of the Dome 
Bearing Vertical Walls in S. Maria del Fiore Cathedral of Florence 
Astori B., Rinaldi L., Tucci G. 38 
New Survey of Morimondo Abbey

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