Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

two dangerous phenomena by using regression methods and 
robust procedures. At the end of his lecture, he sincerely 
hoped better conditions, in the future, under a true 
international consensus. 
Finally according to his role of Convenor of the High Level 
Tutorial, he apologized Prof. Gottfried Konecny, recently 
retired from the TU of Hannover (Germany), because of his 
impossibility to attend the tutorial and to give a lecture. The 
ISPRS WG VI/3 Chairperson fully agreed with him, recalling 
the important contribution given by Prof. Gottfried Konecny 
both to the ISPRS and the theme on mapping from space. 
Few words may be added to present a summary of the first 
and last lectures, because of their relevance and the strong 
figure of the lecturers. Notice that this summary has been 
made by the writer of the compte - rendu only, therefore the 
opinion or statements contained in it don’t involve the 
lecturers themselves. The aim is to complete, as much as 
possible, this compte - rendu, in order to prove the validity of 
the tutorial and the benefits achieved. 
Prof. Alessandro Carosio showed how it is possible to extract 
from maps any kind of information, putting them on different 
layers of a GIS and/or LIS, according to a unsupervised, or 
only partially supervised, classification. The methodologies 
involved, in the automatic extraction, belong to the fields of 
both statistics and artificial intelligence. Furthermore special 
attention was paid to the actual and interesting problems of 
3D data modeling and visualization. 
The importance of this job is due to a very large amount of 
data which often are available today, in form of charts, and 
can be supplied as computer cartography, avoiding to operate 
manually or to proceed to new acquisition. It is obvious that, 
if the whole process is able to run, with a very high level of 
reliability (ranging from 95% to 98%), it can substitute, in the 
future, expensive acquisition techniques, with relatively low 
cost procedures. 
Prof. Shunji Murai stressed a lot the linear relation between 
the growth of the population, in the different parts of the 
world, and the deforestation. There is a linear dependence 
(and the classical index, like the linear correlation coefficient, 
is unfortunately high enough) between the request of wood, 
in the developed countries, and the acquisition of it in the 
remaining part of the world, especially where the increasing 
of the population is remarkable. 
The analysis, concerning the deforestation, was carried out, 
with particular care, starting from the processing and 
classification of images, taken by the remote sensing satellite 
NOAA AVHRR. Data, concerning the population, were 
acquired by geo - spatial data atlas, available on global 
statistics databases; the population growth was firstly 
analyzed by countries and successively reassembled by sub - 
continental regions. 
The linear regression was performed using robust procedures, 
so that outliers (i.e. data with anomalous behavior) were 
eliminated, increasing the quality and the validity of the 
explanation itself. As said before, the lecturer, recognizing 
the difficulties to stop this market and the connected 
business, sincerely hoped better conditions, concerning the 
life quality in the underdeveloped countries too, under a true 
international consensus. 
In the following paragraph, also the second lecture is briefly 
summarized. It involves some methodology problems in the 
field of the survey and mapping disciplines. Methodology is a 
longstanding theme which could sometimes appears boring 
and/or old - fashioned, but it furnishes practical instruments, 
capable to be applied in different times and at various 
The approximation theory, bom in the field of the integrated 
geodesy (in its broadest sense) was presented applied to 
signal / image filtering, digital terrain / object modeling, 
deformation monitoring, etc. This approach is classical in the 
earth sciences and works very well, when models and data 
are clearly defined, by using an hybrid norm to solve 
generalized least squares and some other related techniques 
(e.g. covariance estimation, robust procedures). 
On the contrary, data management and processing in the field 
of the information technology often works with undefined 
databases and quite poor models. Therefore an attempt, to get 
order in single experiments, showed to be recommendable. 
Actually the parsers are the most promising algorithms, able 
to do texture and pattern recognition problems (e.g. feature 
extraction and grouping, image understanding / object 
recognition, scene interpretation, sequence analysis). 
The great quantities of presented materials could not be 
reported in details. Therefore only some general remarks on 
presentations and some highlights were given. However the 
topics, related to the lectures of this tutorial, are available in 
the international literature, mostly in the I APRS, of the more 
recent years. Anyway the authors have the possibility to 
supply more information, in the spirit of international 
cooperation and technology transfer. 
The interest, shown by the audience, to all the lectures was 
very, very high and interesting discussions were set up. Both 
the promotion of the growth of basic knowledge and its 
circulation, in the field of photogrammentry, remote sensing 
and spatial information sciences, and the collection of real 
examples of knowledge sharing and technology transfer, 
encouraging a peaceful use of mature and innovative 
technologies, obtained a full success. 
The tutorial recognized as a bigger danger the restriction of 
the responsibility and participation to a few number of 
countries and/or groups. There are two possibilities to 
overcome these troubles: the foundation of democracy for an 
elite or to enlarge democracy and participation. The spirit of 
the international cooperation proved that only the second 
hypothesis is correct, able to build up a peaceful world and to 
put the whole humanity under satisfactory life condition. 
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