Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

U t ‘Jritrat 
fig. 9: geometrie distortions in a camera lens 
Giorgio Bezoari, Carlo Monti, Attilio Selvini, Fondamenti di 
rilevamento generale, Hoepli, Milano 1984; 
Stefano Breccia, Algoritmi per la grafica mediante elaboratore, 
SSGRR L’Aquila 1988; 
Rosa Bonetta, Cartografia e informazione territoriale, IUAV- 
DAEST, Venezia 1991; 
Kenneth R Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall 
International, London, 1996; 
Keith C. Clarke, Analytical and Computer Cartography , 
Prentice Hall International, London, 1995; 
Fangi Gabriele, Note di fotogrammetria, Clua Edizioni, Ancona, 
Andrew S.Glassner, Principle of digital image processing, 
Morgan Kaufmann, S.Francisco, 1995; 
Cliff Greve, Digital Photogrammetry, ASPRS, 1996; 
H.M. Karara, N on-topographic Photogrammetry, ASPRS, 
Karl Kraus, Photogrammetry, Ferd Dummlers Verlag, Bonn, 
Marc van Krevel, Algorthmic Foundation of Geographic 
Information System, Springer, Berlin, 1997; 
Pietro Melli, L’elaborazione digitale delle immagini, Franco 
Angeli, Milano 1991; 
William K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley & Son, 
New York, 1991; 
Attilio Selvini, Elementi di fotogrammetria, CittàStudi, Milano 
Scott E. Umbaugh, Computer Vision and Image Processing, 
Prentice Hall International, London, 1998; 
Alan Watt, 3D Computer Graphics , Addison Wesley, 1993.

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