Several professional surveyors work on GPS, having as
reference the IGM95 first order GPS network. Some
companies are equipped with GPS/INS vehicles for road
GPS is used in some cities to monitor the bus fleet, and
some private transport companies use GPS with the same
purpose. A GPS security service is used on cars connected
with GSM.
The GPS activity in Italy is strong in the research field and
in the geodetic applications, supported by the Ministry of
Research and University, the Italian Space Agency, The
National Research Council. The vehicle management is
increasing and a DGPS national service is essential for the
diffusion as well as for new applications and research
Real time kinematic DGPS is quite useful also in the
current cartographic work since it allows the real time
control of the standard deviation
The most promising DGPS method seems to be DAB,
which will allow also the transmission of updated maps.
On continental basis for transport applications, the
extension to East Europe of GNSS
(GPS+GLONASS+EGNOS) is one of the main goal and
will diffuse the applications to terrestrial fleet control and
other use at consumer level. Diffused applications to air
traffic near and inside airports are expected to increase
Lanslide and soil movement GPS monitoring will also
increase as the receivers are cheaper and compact.
Moreover cadastal cartography is moving towords the
use of satellite positioning, which fact is helped by the
reference stations network..
In conclusion, the applications will increases more and
more the importance of the satellite positioning methods.
The extension of DGPS to east Europe will open a wide
new market, which fact means the peace so highly
desired at the end of this bloody century.
Ahrer H., Doeller H.-GPS-Netz GesmbH-AREFl-
DARC-Technical Report GPS Netz Ziviltechniker
GembH, Voecklabruck, A 4840, 1998);
de Robertis A., Gerin R.-Public Transport GPS Positioning
in Trieste-Meeting on Data Radiobroadcasting for
Differential GPS Positioning and Navigation, University of
Trieste, March 6, 1998
Dittrich J., Kuehmstedt E., Richter B., Reinhart E.-
Accurate Positioning By Low Frequency (ALF) and other
services for emission of DGPS correction data in Germany-
Proceedings Int. Symp on DGPS in Engineering and
Cadastral Measurements, Education and Practice,
Ljubljana, August, 25-27,1997, Reports on Geodesy,
6(29), 1997,Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw
Faendrich H.-DAB Pilot Project Baden Wuerttemberg-
Sueddeutschen Rundfunk Stuttgart, Heft 24, Stuttgart
Femetti M., Manzoni G.-A GPS+GLONASS Multimedial
Reference Station for DGPS+DGLONASS Positioning and
Terrestrial Navigation- Proceedings Int. Symp on DGPS in
Engineering and Cadastral Measurements, Education and
Practice, Ljubljana, August, 25-27,1997, Reports on
Geodesy, 6(29), 1997,Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw,pp
Hoeggerl, 1997-DGPS Service in Austria- Proceedings
Int. Symp on DGPS in Engineering and Cadastral
Measurements, Education and Practice, Ljubljana,
August, 25-27,1997, Reports on Geodesy,
6(29), 1997,Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw
Manzoni G., Plattner G.- DAB, Digital Audio Broadcasting
and DGPS experiments, to be published on Reports on
Geodesy, Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw
Oszczak S.-Egnos Project for Integration of GPS with
Glonass System- Proceedings Int. Symp on DGPS in
Engineering and Cadastral Measurements, Education and
Practice, Ljubljana, August, 25-27,1997, Reports on
Geodesy, 6(29), 1997,Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw
References on DGPS