Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

'etz Ziviltechniker 
oort GPS Positioning 
iiobroadcasting for 
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in Engineering and 
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iports on Geodesy, 
len Wuerttemberg- 
Heft 24, Stuttgart 
ONASS Multimedial 
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szawska, Warsaw 
L. Maphale*, M.B. Manisa*, B. Nkwae*, C. Ezigbalike*, 
*Department of Civil Engineering - University of Botswana 
Private Bag 0061 - Gaborone, BOTSWANA 
E-mail: maphalel@noka.ub.bw), (manisamb@noka.ub.bw). (nkwaeb@noka.ub.bw), 
ISPRS Commission VI Working Group 3 
The Diploma in Land Surveying program was established in the then Polytechnic of Botswana in 
1993. Prior to that, there was no formal education in land surveying in Botswana. The Polytechnic 
was amalgamated with the University of Botswana in 1996 as the Faculty of Engineering and 
Technology, and the Diploma in Land Surveying program continued in the Department of Civil 
This paper will describe the Diploma in Land Surveying program. The location of the program in 
the Department of Civil Engineering derives from the fact that the program grew out of service 
courses in land surveying for the various civil engineering diploma, certificate and, now, degree 
programs. The paper will describe the dual role of the Surveying Section as a support section for the 
civil engineering programs and the primary surveying education unit in the country. The curriculum 
of the main diploma program is presently being reviewed to bring it up to date with developments 
in the industry. The paper will discuss the proposed new curriculum and the issues considered in its 
In addition to the land surveying program, there are other programs in the university which contain 
elements of the expanded geomatics industry. Notable among these are the programs in the 
Department of Environmental Science (DES) in the Faculty of Science. DES has a postgraduate 
diploma in geographic information systems (GIS), and a well-developed cartography program. 
Other components in their vast offerings include photo interpretation and remote sensing. These 
components will also be described. 
In addition to these formal education programs, government departments have in-house training 
programs, which had provided surveying personnel in the country prior to the introduction of the 
education programs in the university. The main programs are in the Department of Surveying and 
Mapping (DSM) and the Department of Town and Regional Planning, in the Ministry of Local 
Government, Lands and Housing, and the Ministry of Agriculture. This paper will describe the 
DSM program, being the most developed of the training programs.

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