Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

needs of the client (public or private). These specifics 
define the characteristics of the “product” and of the 
relative production process, establishing, in particular, 
data content, accuracy, logical and geometrical 
congruence, exchange protocols, etc. 
In “design” the activity finalized for the definition of new 
procedures and technology is also included. 
The “final design”, on the other hand, includes the 
actual implementation of the indications that are 
included in the technical specifics, establishing the 
operational details. 
Schematically, for numeric cartographic production, the 
design includes the following: 
general design (plan): 
□ definition of technical specifics; 
□ definition of general requisites to carry out the 
□ definition of possible new procedures and 
final design: 
□ flight plan 
■ delimitation of the area and orthographic 
■ strip design and relative flight altitudes based 
on the predefined photogrammetric scale; 
■ superimposition of the photograms and 
determination of the number of photos for 
each strip; 
□ aerial triangulation: 
• design, based on the “photo index” relative to 
the flight, of the A.T. blocks, with the 
identification of the reference points 
(constraint) and the A.T. link points; 
■ identification on the photograms of the 
reference points with characteristics of 
“photographic identification”, to be determined 
in the field by topographic methods; 
□ setting, thickening and topographic references: 
■ cartographic identification and tracing of the 
extant plane-altimetric reference vertices in 
the zone and inspection; 
■ design network of planimetric and altimetric 
■ definition of instrumentation and methodology 
of examination based on the necessary 
■ design for the plane-altimetric network of the 
reference points identified during A.T. design; 
□ data structuring: 
■ design for the information structure of the 
numeric data, based on the specific needs of 
the client (G.I.S., themes, etc.). 
The general and final design need certification 
according to the ISO 9001 standards while in the case 
of only the final design ISO 9002 could be sufficient for 
certifying the producer. 
In order to proceed to the design phases it is important 
that the producer has acquired the data and the 
requisites on which to base the realization of the 
product, including those compulsory for legislation. 
The results of the design phase must be documented 
and expressed in such a way that they can be verified 
and validated. 
This means carrying out, as is stated in the legislation, 
procedures of re-examination, verification, and 
validation of the design with the aim of assuring the 
congruity and coherence of the work carried out. 
3.3. In-coming products 
As regards the production of numeric maps the in 
coming products, which are necessary for the various 
phases of the production cycle, can be grouped 
according to the following plan: 
□ photographic products (films in b/n - color - 
infrared - etc, sensitive photographic film, 
development products, etc.); 
□ support products for cartography, 
□ finished photographic products (photograms); 
□ intermediate and final paper support products and 
final printed material (polyester, plotter paper, ink, 
□ electronic support products 
When establishing the materials necessary for the 
project they must conform to the specific requests. 
All of this is carried out through “documented 
procedures” aimed at the evaluation of sub-contractors 
in relation to their capacity to satisfy the required 
requests for the in-coming product in terms of 
characteristics and quantity on the one hand, and the 
definition of the documents relative to the acquired 
data, which must completely and univocally describe 
the requisites of the ordered products. 
Therefore it is necessary to: 
- classify the sub-contractors by certification or on the 
basis of previous supplies; 
- register the data to acquire and checking for the up 
dating of what has been mentioned above; 
- define in a univocal way the object, quantity, time and 
condition of delivery, special needs for packing and 
Furthermore, it is opportune that the contract stipulates 
that the client can verify the conformity of the products 
used by the supplier. 
The supplier must confirm the conformity of the product 
to the requirements by means of documented and 
registered procedures. Any sub-supplier should provide 
certification on the checks carried out at the moment of 
The methodologies and the frequency of checks on the 
material should be defined based on the degree of 
importance that they have on the process, the products 
inherent variability and the reliability of the sub-supplier 
as defined in the setting up supplies stage. This 
requires the development of a true sampling plan 
based on a profound knowledge of the product in such 
a way as to estimate the parameters with pre-set levels 
of confidence. 
In general all the in-coming material will be checked by 
its freight bill in order to verify its correct origin and its 
conformity to the sales agreement and a preliminary 
visual check to see if it looks “normal”. 
3.4. Process control 
All the moments of the production cycle that have a 
direct consequence on the quality of the product must 
be identified and it must be assured that they are 
controlled. Therefore the following must be applied: 
• Documented procedure relative to the flight phase; 
• Documented procedure relative to the development 
and printing of the films;

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