Giuseppe Mussumeci
Researcher, Faculty of Engineering, Catania, Italy
KEY WORDS: GPS, GIS, Roads, Cadastre
The road system plays a strategic role for the global analysis of the territory and a correct understanding of it is very
important for the management of ordinary and emergency situations.
In this note a methodological approach is proposed for the realization of a Road Cadastre using the differential kinematic
Global Positioning System for the survey of road geometry and the Geographical Information System for data
After a preliminary definition of the geographical database characteristics, road elements that have importance for the
Cadastre and that interact with the territorial system and, in particular, with risk and emergency management, are
A road cadastre organization on the basis of current G.I.S. technology is proposed.
The road cadastre can be seen, in a simple way, as the
cataloguing of all the road infrastructures and works
correlated elements (structures, equipment, ancillary
works, etc.) present in the territory. However, it should
be seen as the basis of the Road Information System of
which every proprietor should have for a correct
management of the road network.
From this point of view, it assumes the value of a
functional support for the management of the road
network and the planning for its development.
Its construction needs, essentially, the following:
□ A training process, aimed at acquiring, archiving
and representing, with cartographic support and
databases, the elements that characterize
geometric properties of the road network;
□ A management process, which organizes and up
dates the collected information, for their use in
functional classification of the road network,
maintenance planning, and investment planning.
The primary objective of the management of an road
infrastructure is, today more than ever, safety. The
current high number of accidents and victims that are
recorded on the roads is not acceptable by a modern
society that needs the road network so much for social
and economical development. It is therefore necessary
to have the instruments that at least “know” of the road
network or, better still, are a real support for decision
making. In general, in fact, today it is possible,
structuring the information in a correct way, “shaping”
the territory into a Geographical Information System.
Numeric cartography is certainly the ideal support for
Geographical Information Systems. The geo-
referencing of the represented objects and the absence
of limitations in the memorization of elements and
attributes allows an information content of great
Maps can be designed in such a way as to respond to
many needs of G.I.S., allowing, for example, through
their consultation the qualification of the elements of
most interest and the identification of the logical and
spatial correlation between them.
In particular, in the case of a G.I.S. oriented to Road
Infrastructures management, cartographic production
must be finalized for the close examination of the
“information-communication level” and the
measurement of all the elements of the territory that
interfere with the road network. The nominal scale will
naturally be identified in function of the finality of the
G.I.S. and will characterize the map in relation to its
information content.
The memorization of data, finally, must be carried out
respecting the precise logic of aggregation and
representation of the territorial and road elements,
which take into account the particular aspects of the
infrastructure system and its relation with the territory
2.1. Geodetic reference
In general, the cartography of a country is placed
geodetically with respect to a national reference
ellipsoid, that, even when it coincides from the
geometric point of view with Hayford’s ellipsoid, is
orientated differently.
The necessity to uniform, on an international scale, the
geodetic reference, for the obvious consequential
advantages in terms of univocal “reading” of the
different national cartography and for simplification (if
not elimination) of the procedure of transfer of
cartographic information between connecting countries,
finds in the WGS84 reference systems and satellite
sampling ideal instruments.
Therefore, even if each country has its own system of
national cartography and its own cadastral cartographic
tradition (land and buildings census), which do not
always have the same geodetic reference (as in Italy,
where national cartography and cadastral cartography
are referred to two different ellipsoids, with the obvious