Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

instituted by ‘Servizio Trigonometrici 
dell’Ufficio tecnico Erariale di Reggio 
The following trigonometrie vertexes were 
taken as known points: 
• ULIS. 
The place of Gambarie is very far from the 
other three places and the available instruments 
allowed only a distance of 10 Km, so it was 
decided to operate with two different networks. 
The survey of the places mentioned above was 
done using GPS receiver for the places: 
On the contrary, it was adopted a mixed 
methodology, with GPS and a topographic 
integrated station in the places: 
because the nature of the places obliged us to 
work with stations ex-centre. 
The GPS was used with static methodology 
and the topographic survey involved the 
measure of a side. 
2. Instruments and survey of the places 
The GPS instruments was constituted by four 
satellite receiver, GEOTRACER 100 of 
Geotronichs Instruments; two of them were 
with single frequency and the other two with 
double frequency. 
The topographic instruments was constituted 
by an integrated topographic station from the 
same firm. 2 
The data were acquired with the static method, 
that means that one of the receiver was placed 
on a known point and the other one on the 
place which had to be surveyed. The operation 
has to last at least one hour and a half. 
The following figure shows the graphical 
schema of the network of the three points that 
allowed to determine the places of Gambarie. 
Moreover, the legenda allows to understand 
this first network. 
S. Barbara 
Points TIM 
Location antenna GPS 
Known points (Official net) 
The following picture shows the graphical 
schema of the net of four vertexes (all of them 
are connected) that allowed the determination 
of the three places closes to the town. The 
correspondent legenda allows to understand 
this second network. 
2 All the instruments that have been used belong to 
the ‘ Ufficio Tecnico Erariale di Reggio Calabria’ 
and have been lended to us for this work.

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