To support very high accuracy requirements, it will be
necessary to use local correction sources (like DARC i.e.).
It is interesting to see, from the Figures 3 and 4, how
accuracy is higher in the direction perpendicular to the signal
diffusion one. It is particularly clear for ALF signal.
For each component (N, E in UTM - ED50 system, H on
WGS84 ellipsoid) of each recorded file, we drew up a graph
reporting satellites’ number and relative PDOP value too.
Some examples are shown in Figures 8, 9, 10.
It is very interesting to notice (Tables 5, 6) the high
repeatability obtained in the mean values of H coordinates for
all the adopted systems.
Something not yet detected is the great variation in all the
components for some points of the ALF Nov 24 lh file, even if
it can be a possible consequence of a bad satellites’ geometric
configuration, as there is also a corresponding lost of a
satellite and a higher PDOP value.
5158082.000 n
E 416537.000
Fig. 8: DARC diffused from Villach RTCM corrections (Nov 24 lh 1999 session):
N, E coordinates in UTM - ED50 system, H on WGS84 (m), PDOP values, satellites’ number
ALF NOV 24th
Fig. 9: LW from Frankfurt diffused RTCM corrections (Nov 24 lh 1999 session):
N, E coordinates in UTM - ED50 system, H on WGS84 (m), PDOP values, satellites’ number