Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

Council of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing confirmed that the last meeting before the 
Amsterdam Congress of the working group VI/3: International Cooperation and Technology Transfer is organized in 
Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 2. - 5. February 2000. The local host is Association of Slovenian Surveyors - Slovenian 
Section of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, which is the Slovenian ordinary member of ISPRS. The meeting was 
announced as a joint workshop of two working groups: WG VI/3 and WG IV/3, but the participation later was mostly 
from the WG VI/3. 
It is a great pleasure for the Republic of Slovenia to organize and host this meeting, as it is the first time that an ISPRS 
event takes place in this county. Logo of the meeting »Bridging the Gap« reflects the spirit of international cooperation 
and technology transfer. Ljubljana is the capital of the Republic of Slovenia. It's symbol is a dragon from the Dragon 
bridge in the old centre of Ljubljana, which we have taken for a mascot of the meeting. Further on, Slovenia is 
geographically situated between developed countries and countries in a transition and could symbolically represent a 
bridge for international cooperation as well. 
Proceedings of the meeting are published in two parts. In this first part which is published just before the meeting, 
approximately a half of papers and posters is published (which the publisher had received in time). In the second part, 
all other papers and posters will be published and a few papers from meeting in Cotonou, Benin will be included, which 
were not published in the Proceedings of Cotonou for some objective reasons. In addition to this, report of the Ljubljana 
meeting, list of participants, minutes of the bussiness meeting and other relevant documents will be published in the 
second part as well. 
The program of this workshop clearly underlines the terms of reference and ideas of the WG VI/3, i.e. cooperation 
between countries on different technological levels, cooperation between different sister societies, promotion and 
growth of basic knowledge and transfer of knowledge between different fields and related sciences, opening the floor 
for young experts etc. There are almost 50 papers grouped in seven sessions that cover the following topics: national 
projects, visualisation in photogrammety and cartography, geodesy and Global Positioning System with special 
emphasis on differential GPS and GLONASS procedures in the CEI area, digital photogrammetry and data processing, 
geoinformation from satellite data, documentation of cultural heritage by means of photogrammetry, GIS and data 
quality. A tutorial on Application of airborne laser scanning data is organized in the framework of the meeting, as well 
as two round tables: Valuation of defined spatial units for the needs of official statistics and Application and 
applicability of metrical documentation of cultural heritage, the last one with contributions from CIPA and ICMOS/SI 

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